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[[5 column table]]

[[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]]

35645 | S/- | Persia Dagger hilt, deeply carved ivory. See No 37121 |   | 4-17-6 [[strikethrough]]3-13-0[[/strikethrough]]
35646 | S/- | N. America Pipe red stone. old. [[image]] with stem 25425 Hard Hart. | G16/29-5-16 | 1-16-0
35647 | I/S | England P.C. Knife Pistol. | E6/1915 | 1-12-6
35648 | G/- | Australia Club. rare form [[image]] |   | 1-7-6
35649 | M/- | Canada Paddle with history |   |   
35650 | Y/-/- | Japan Matchlock Gun. fine lac stock |   | 3-0-0
35651 | G/-/- | Tahiti Adze. with brush. chipped head. | H36/1915 | 4-5-0
35652 | GA/- | Brit Guiania bead Frontlet. dec: ships &c. | H36/1915 | 2-0-0
35653 | GX/- | India. Shield |   | 1-16-0
35654 | I/- | India Armguard. fluted [[image]] | S35/28-6-16 | 11-0-6
35655 | G/-/- | India Bill Axe inscription | S35/28-6-16 | 2-5-0
35656 | A/- | England FL. Pocket Pistol. H. NOCK. |   |   
35657 | I/GX/- | England Wheel-lock Rifle. |   |   
35658 | GY/S | E. Africa Bow & 12 Arrows. |   |   
35659 | GS/GS/- | New Zealand Teki. thick very fine. 4¾" |   | 32-0-0
35660 | M/N/- | New Zealand Teki. face facing. (broken) very fine. |   | 18-10-0
35661 | G/A/- | England 18th Cent Pedometer. |   | 3-12-0
35662 | N/- | Benin Bronze Fork. |   | 7-6
35663 | GT/S | England FL. Pistol with bayonet. |   |   
35664 | S/- | Indian Lock. Alwar | L12/1915 | 1-0-0
35665 | N/- | Indian Double Katar. inlaid silver. modern Alwar |   | 1-2-6
35666 | M/GX/- | Rennell Island Club. Collected by C.M. Woodford Ex. K |   | - - -
35667 | N/-/- | Rennell Island Club. Resident for the Solomons. |   | 10-10-0 [[strikethrough]]8-15-0[[/strikethrough]]
35668 | GX/- | Rennell Island Water Carrier |   | 18-6
35669 | GX/- | Rennell Island Water Carrier |   | 18-6
35670 | Y/S | Rennell Island C.N. Scoup. |   | 6-0
35671 | Y/S | Rennell Island Basket fine work. |   | 6-0
35672 | Y/S | Rennell Island Basket fine work. |   | 6-0
35673 | Y/S | Rennell Island 3 Fishing Nets. in palm leaf wraps. |   | 8-0
35674 | A/- | Solomon God. "Luvusi". Guadalcanal. | S4/1915 | 17-6
35675 | GX/- | Solomon Figure-head Rubiana |   | 2-18-0
35676 | Y/S | Solomon Fishing Float |   | 16-0
35677 | Y/S | Solomon Fishing Float |   | 12-6
35678 | /- | Solomon Fish-hook. with back lug. |   | 4-6
35679 | /- | Solomon Fish-hook. with back lug. |   | 4-6
35680 | /- | Solomon Fish-hook. with back lug. |   | 4-6
35681 | /- | Solomon Fish-hook. with back lug. |   | 4-6
35682 | /- | Solomon Fish-hook. with back lug. |   | 4-6