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[[5 Columned Table]]
[[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]]

35037 | GG/M | China Suit of Bammerman's Armour of the Manchuria Prince Yu. 17th Cent |   |  6-15-0

35038 | GG/M | China Suit of Bammerman's Armour of the Manchuria Prince Yu. 17th Cent |   |   

35039 | GG/M | China Suit of Bammerman's Armour of the Manchuria Prince Yu. 17th Cent |   |   

35040 | GG/M | China Suit of Bammerman's Armour of the Manchuria Prince Yu. 17th Cent |   |   

35041 | GG/M | China Suit of Bammerman's Armour of the Manchuria Prince Yu. 17th Cent |   |   

35042 | GG/M | China Suit of Bammerman's Armour of the Manchuria Prince Yu. 17th Cent |   |   

35043 | GG/M | China Suit of Bammerman's Armour of the Manchuria Prince Yu. 17th Cent |   |   

35044 | GG/M | China Suit of Bammerman's Armour of the Manchuria Prince Yu. 17th Cent |   |   

35045 | GG/M | China Suit of Bammerman's Armour of the Manchuria Prince Yu. 17th Cent |   |   

35046 | GG/M | China Suit of Bammerman's Armour of the Manchuria Prince Yu. 17th Cent |   |   

35047 | GG/M | China Suit of Bammerman's Armour of the Manchuria Prince Yu. 17th Cent |   |   

35048 | GG/M | China Suit of Bammerman's Armour of the Manchuria Prince Yu. 17th Cent |   |   

35049 | GG/M | China Suit of Bammerman's Armour of the Manchuria Prince Yu. 17th Cent |   |   

35050 | M/- | Burmah Buddha. bronze. rough  c |   | 5-0 

35051 | G/-/- | England Cross Bow. Early. | [[strikethrough]] C7/915 [[/strikethrough]] Sold  | 2-7-6 

35052 | A/- | England Sword. |   | 17-6 

35053 | GX/- | England FL Blunderbuss. iron barrel | E6/27-5-16 | 1-5-0 

35054 | GA/- | England FL Air Gun & Pump by MORTIMER.|   |  

35055 | A/- | Russia Painting of Saint on panel. |   |   

35056 | A/- | Africa Musical Instrument. rare form. |   | 1-15-0 

35057 | Y/S | British Columbia Halibut Hook [[image]] |   | 10-6 

35058 | GT/S | British Columbia Cooking basket. v. fine. 9" x 9" |   | [[strikethrough]] 6-6-0 [[/strikethrough]] 9-0-0

35059 | Y/S | British Columbia Oval Basket |   | 3-3-0 

35060 | Y/S | British Columbia Basket with figures of Animals |   |   

35061 | G/-/- | N Z Flute   k |   |   

35062 | G/-/- | New Zealand Club of whale bone. |   | 10-10-0 

35063 | Y/-/- | New Zealand Club of whale bone. narrow. |   | 8-8-0 

35064 | G/GX/- | New Zealand Club of whale bone. thin old. |   | 5-10-0 

35065 | G/-/- | Indian Exercising Bow. whale baleen. | S35/1915  | 3-3-0 

35066 | A/- | England P.C Revolver (Tranter) in case. |   |  

35067 | Y/S | S.E. Africa Tobacco Pipe. double bowl. |   |   | [[strikethrough]]9-6[[/strikethrough]] 8-0

35068 | M/- | Canada Quill Box. Halifax 1864. defective | H28/1915  |   | 10-6 

35069 | N/- | Eskimo Shuttle Needle of ivory [[image]] |   | 1-10-0 

35070 | N/- | Queensland Tomahawk. part of horse shoe with withe handle. |   | 2-2-0 

35071 | Y/- | Queensland Scraper iron |   | 10-0 

35072 | G/- | Queensland Scraper wood |   | 7-6 

35073 | G/- | B. New Guinea Jews Harp of palen wood  Trobriand |   | 7-0 

35074 | G/- | B. New Guinea Jews Harp of palen wood  Trobriand |   | 6-0