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[[5 Columned Table]]
[[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]]

35151 | A/- | Tibet Rosary of bone discs | W22/1915 | 18-6
35152 | GY/- | Japan Amber Seal silver charm | W22/1915 | 1-7-6
35153 | Y/- | Japan Agate Carving [[strikethrough]]clasped hands?[[/strikethrough]] small Citron | 10/6 | [[strikethrough]]7-6[[/strikethrough]]
35154 | GM/- | Japan Comb ivory inlaid butterflies. v. fine |   | 1-7-6
35155 | N/- | Japan Comb lac [[image]] |   | 10-6
35156 | N/- | Japan Comb lac [[image]] damaged |   | 8-0
35157 | N/- | Africa Quiver of 66 Arrows. |   |   
35158 | N/- | Africa Quiver 32 Arrows |   |   
35159 | N/- | Africa Quiver 73 Arrows |   |   
35160 | G/S | Ceylon Elephant Goad. |   | 17-6
35161 | G/S | Ceylon Elephant Goad. |   | 15-0
35162 | Y/- | Ceylon Spear. painted haft inlaid brass [[image]] |   | 17-6
35163 | Y/- | Ceylon Spear. painted haft inlaid brass |   | 14-0
35164 | G/S | Ceylon Spear [[strikethrough]]rough haft[[/strikethrough]] |   | 10-6
35165 | G/S | Ceylon Small Knife small gold? [[?nit]] |   | 16-0
35166 | Y/S | Ceylon Sword. |   | 10-6
35167 | GT/- | Ceylon Sword. fine brass work guard |   | 4-15-0 
35168 | G/Y/- | Ceylon Sword. Curious all brass hilt figure on guard | S35/1915 | 3-10-0
35169 | N/GS/- | Japanese Priests Knife Handles. Netsuké. Babylonian Tablets & Egyptian [[?Cuvin]] | W22/1915 | 5-10-0
35170 | Y/- | England Pair Cock Fighting Spurs |   | 10-0
35171 | GY/S | Belgian Congo "Currency" Hoe. Copper |   | 1-18-6
35172 | GY/S | Belgian Congo "Currency" Hoe. Copper | 1/17/0 | [[strikethrough]]1-18-6[[/strikethrough]]
35173 | G/GA/- | German Guild Axe pewter blade dated |   | 4-4-0
35174 | G/GX/- | German Guild Axe pewter blade dated |   | 3-3-0
35175 | G/Y/S | England Case P.C. Duelling Pistols. | S40/1915 | 4-4-0
35176 | N/S | England Pocket F.L. Pistol |   |   
35177 | G/- | England F.L. Lock. |   | 3-6
35178 | GX/- | Sumatra Knife gold mount | S35/1915 | 3-15-0
35179 | Y/- | Sumatra Knife bone hilt Nias | S35/1915 S | 10-0
35180 | N/- | Sumatra Sword carved pommel old Nias | S35/1915 S | 1-1-0
35181 | N/- | Sumatra Sword carved pommel old Nias |   | 17-6
35182 | GY/S | Copy Egerton Eastern Arms bound |   | 18-0
35183 | T/S | Copy Egerton Eastern Arms Unbound Author's copy. |   | 18-0
35184 | T/S | Copy Egerton Eastern Arms Unbound soiled cover | D11/23-2-15 | 15-0
35185 | T/S | East Africa Bow with horn trophies |   | 1-7-6
35186 | Y/GX/- | Harvey Ceremonial Spear ex large point damaged | E7/3-9-16 | 7-0-0
35187 | N/-/- | Harvey Ceremonial Paddle v. fine |   | 8-15-0
35188 | GX/- | Solomon Figures |   | 1-7-6