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[[5 column table]]

[[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]]

36367 | N/- | Assam War Head Ornament [[image]] hide loop for head Naga |   | 1-8-0
36368 | N/- | Assam War Head Ornament [[image]] wood & hair. seeds missing |   | 1-1-0
36369 | /- | Assam Large Hat [[image]] |   | 10-0
36370 | /- | Assam Large Hat [[image]] |   | 8-0
36371 | /- | New Hebrides Currency Mat v. fine specimen. | S50/20-3-16 | 12-6
36372 | Y/A/- | Europe F.L. Blunderbuss with bayonet rr in butt |   |   
36373 | G/GA/- | Europe F.L. Blunderbuss with bayonet rr in butt |   |   
36374 | G/GA/- | Europe F.L. Blunderbuss with bayonet rr in butt |   |   
36375 | G/A/- | Europe F.L. Blunderbuss no bayonet ringed barrel. |   |  
36376 | G/GY/- | Europe F.L. Blunderbuss no bayonet v. fine. heavy shot barrel |   |  
36377 | S/S | Europe Geo IV Police Staff. Arms & dated 1822. |   | 1-1-0
36378 | S/- | Afghan Tinder Case. chain 2 Tweezers, Ear Pick &c iron & engd. brass. |   | 12-6
36379 | N/S | Afghan Gourd Flask. silver mts. |   | 9-0
36380 | T/S | Australia Shield unusually large. old. [[image]] Queensland. |   | 1-1-0
36381 | GX/- | Europe. B.L. Rifle. sliding barrel, bolt underneath. |   |   
36382 | GX/- | Europe. FL. Duelling Pistol. JOHN MANTON. |   |   
36383 | A/GN/S | 4 Mexican Feather Pictures. 2 Quros, Chinese Jade & 2 Netsuke. | W22/16-6-16 | 6-9-6
36384 | Y/GA/- | Wesley Medal &c Chinese Armlets. | W22/16-6-16 | 3-10-0 
36385 | G/GX/- | Pair Polished Hippo Tusks. |   | 1-17-6
36386 | A/- | Japanese Dragon Festival [[?Chanfron]] | W22/16-6-16 | 7-0
36387 | M/M/- | England Case of the F.L. Duelling Pistols. WOGDEN. |   | - - -
36388 | Y/- | Solomon Club. covd grass. [[image]] |   | 12-0
36389 | GY/- | Solomon Club. [[image]] v. old. |   | 1-8-0
36390 | M/- | Australia War Boomerang [[image]] | H37/30-6-16 | 14-0
36391 | M/- | Australia War Boomerang [[image]] | H37/30-6-16 | 9-6 
36392 | Y/- | S. Africa Spear. Barotze. |   | 4-0
36393 | I/- | England D.B. P.C Pistol | E6/30-12-16 | 18-6
36394 | GX/- | England F.L. Horse Pistol |   |   
36395 | I/- | E. Africa Club carved. [[image]] |   | 1-2-6
36396 | G/-/- | Tonga Club long carved. Colld by Rev. Herbt. Brandt. |   | 5-5-0
36397 | G/GA/- | Tonga Club lobe. v. fine Colld by Rev. Herbt. Brandt. |   |   
36398 | G/A/- | New Zealand Hani v. large Colld by Rev. Herbt. Brandt. |   | 3-3-0
36399 | M/GA/- | New Zealand Wahaika v fine figure |   | 12-10-0
36400 | M/- | A. Egypt Carved wood head. |   | 7-6
36401 | GX/- | Korea Trident Spear. 18" Colld by Lt. H.G. Lowder Late Chinese Maritime Customs. | S35/21-10-16 | 1-15-0
36402 | G/GS/- | Korea Ancient Bronze Cannon. "Bamboo Knot Whip." 20¾" | S35/21-10-16 | 6-16-0
36403 | G/GS/- | Korea 3 b. Hand Cannon. 16¼" |   | 2-10-0
36404 | N/- | Mandchu Bow. composite. v. massive. 156 lbs. pull. Shantung. |   | 1-15-0