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[[5 column table]]

[[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]]

36405 | M/- | Mandchu Bow. 78 lb. pull. Shantung |   | 1-1-0
36406 | M/- | Korea Small composite Bow. Seoul |   | 1-6-0
36407 | M/- | Korea Small composite Bow. Seoul |   | 1-2-6
36408 | G/- | Chinese Small composite Bow. |   | 1-0-0
36409 | GG/- | Mandchu Cross Bow |   | 2-10-0
36410 | G/- | Mandchu Cross Bow bow damaged | S35/21-10-16 | 1
36411 | GX/- | Mandchu Cross Bow (Magazine) with 7 bolts. modern. |   | 1-10-0
36412 | GX/- | Mandchu Pair Brass Trumpets. telescopic 5 ft 3½" closed |   | 1-18-0
36413 | GX/- | Korea Trooper's Helmet iron. gilt lozenge orn: 6 bls 4 oz. | S35/21-10-16 | 2-2-0
36414 | C/- | Korea Trooper's Helmet leather. silver inlaid iron mts. |   | 2-2-0
36415 | GX/- | Korea Trooper's Helmet leather. silver inlaid iron mts. | S35/21-10-16 | 2-2-0
36416 | G/GX/- | Korea General's Helmet. gilt. fine. | S35/21-10-16 | 6-6-0
36417 | N/- | Korea Chain Flail 8 jointed 4'8" |   | 18-0
36418 | M/- | Korea Chain Flail 4 jointed 2'6½" |   | 14-0 
36419 | M/- | Korea Chain Flail 2 jointed 2'0" |   | 10-6
36420 | GS/- | Korea Execution Knife. hilt wrapped cane. v.f: 34" hilt 23½ blade. |   | 2-10-0
36421 | GY/- | Korea Execution Knife. Sheath. 27½ blade. 21" hilt. |   | 1-12-6
36422 | GT/- | Korea Pair Halbards, dragon mts. 25" blades. heads [[3'?]]. Full l. 85½ |   | 3-18-0
36423 | GX/- | A. Chinese Saddle cloisonné enamel mts | S35/21-10-16 | 3-15-0
36424 | GX/- | Korea Cavalry Armour. leather scales. scales 3½ x 2¼" | S35/21-10-16 | 2-0-0
36425 | /- | Korea Banner. | S35/21-10-16 | 12-6
36426 | GX/- | Canada Quill Tray. Quoted to Mr Stone to [[?here]] June/16 | H28/12-9-16 | 1-1-0
36427 | GA/- | A Chili Bone Implement, [[Aryou?]] tribe. Chipana Bay. Mouth of R. Loa n:side. | H28/12-9-16 | 1-12-6
36428 | Y/-/- | Easter Island Figure |   | 8-15-0
36429 | S/- | W. Africa Carved Rattle. Loanda? |   | 16-0
36430 | S/GC/- | Grotto. Tobacco Boxes, Chinese Buckle. 2 Naga Knapsacks. 2 Hat. | W22/2-5-16 | 8-5-0
36431 | S/- | England XVIII Cent: Flute. silver Keys. |   | 12-6
36432 | G/GX/- | England Carved Box. v. ancient |   | 2-10-0
36433 | Y/- | Assam Spear. [[Tobocco?]] |   | [[strikethrough]] 10-6 [[/strikethrough]] 15-0
36434 | Y/- | Assam Spear. [[Tobocco?]] |   | [[strikethrough]] 10-6 [[/strikethrough]] 15-0
36435 | A/- | Assam Axe. [[image]] [[Tobocco?]] |   | 16-0
36436 | A/- | Assam Axe. [[image]] [[Tobocco?]] |   | 15-0
36437 | GY/- | Assam Belt. [[image]] [[Tobocco?]] |   | 1-15-0
36438 | GY/- | Assam Belt. [[image]] [[Tobocco?]] |   | 1-12-6
36439 | G/M/- | Assam Shield [[image]] [[Tobocco?]] |   | 2-2-6
36440 | G/-/- | Assam Shield [[image]] [[Tobocco?]] |   | 2-2-0
36441 | GX/- | Sikh Quoit with iron stick for throwing. |   | 1-6-0
36442 | A/- | Indian Helmet. iron plate with part rivetted chain mail |   | [[strikethrough]] 1 [[/strikethrough]] 18-6