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[[5 column table]]

[[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]]

36025 | G/GA/- | England Case of D.B. P.C Pistols in case. |   |   
36026 | G/GA/- | England F.L. Breach Loading Carbine. Fergueson patent. repaired. |   |   
36027 | GA/- | England Cannon Firing Pistol. re stocked. |   |   
36028 | GS/- | Brit. Columbia Carved shale Pipe. v. fine. |   | 3-18-0
36029 | A/- | N. America Pipe of hone stone. figure. | H28/12-9-16 | 2-2-0   
36030 | GA/- | India Sword. pierced iron. silvered basket hilt. broad incurved b. | S35/28-6-16 | 2-10-0
36031 | A/S | S.E. Africa Karoso. | S4/1915 | 7-0
36032 | Y/- | S.E. Africa Charm. | S4/1915 | 5-0
36033 | A/- | Tibet silver Charm Box. | W22/1915 | 18-6 
36034 | GX/- | New Zealand Hook large barb [[image]] | S51/29-3-16 | 1-6-0     
36035 | GX/- | New Zealand Hook large barb [[image]] | S51/29-3-16 | 1-6-0    
36036 | G/-/- | New Zealand Ear Pendant. jade. thick. good colour. |   | 2-2-0 
36037 | GX/- | New Zealand Ear Pendant. jade. poor colour. hole broken. |   | 2-2-0
36038 | G/A/- | New Zealand Basalt Club. "Onewa". chipped. |   | 3-3-0
36039 | A/- | Australia Shield. [[image]] Victoria |   | 1-10-0   
36040 | T/S | Australia Shield. [[image]] Victoria |   | 2-17-6
36041 | G/-/- | German Mauzer 1910 Rifle. |   |      
36042 | G/-/- | Sierra Leone Mask used by the Bundu Society. Mendi. |   | 3-3-0
36043 | M/-/- | New Zealand Paddle carved end. figure. |   | 8-15-0
36044 | G/-/- | New Zealand Paddle small black. roughly carved end. |   | 1-15-0
36045 | GA/- | Marquesas Ear Plug. |   | 1-12-6
36046 | Y/GX/- | Tonga Club. carved all over. |   | 4-4-0
36047 | Y/Y/- | New Zealand Adze head. jade. |   |      
36048 | G/A/- | B. Columbia Bowl |   |   
36049 | I/-/ | Fiji Club. ex. rare type [[image]] |   | 10-10-0   
36050 | G/GY/S | Mangaia Ceremonial Adze-haft. square turret type |   | 3-15-0
36051 | G/- | England Tinder Box, striker & muffle with lid. tin. |   | 6-0
36052 | /- | England Apple Corer & another ivory Implement. |   | 2-0 
36053 | G/- | Lapp Spoon horn. engraved |   | 2-0   
36054 | G/- | India Betel Nut Cutter |   | 2-0  
36055 | Y/- | E. Africa Finger Fighting Ring [[strikethrough]]Guard for low. Jur.[[/strikethrough]] Wakamba |   | 10-6   
36056 | /- | E. Africa Charm Necklet Jur. |   | 4-0 
36057 | G/- | E. Africa [[strikethrough]]Shell[[/strikethrough]] Hippo Tusk Ornament [[image]] Jur. |   | 5-0
36058 | GX/- | New Guinea Jade Sago Beater End. [[image]] | H36/1-7-16 | 1-18-0 
36059 | Y/- | Fiji Belt Club. |   | 8-6 
36060 | S/- | Fiji Necklet rounded stumpy teeth. rare |   | 3-15-0   
36061 | N/- | Ceylon Disease Mask. with moveable jaw |   | 1-10-0  
36062 | N/- | Ceylon Disease Mask. with moveable jaw |   | 1-0-0