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[[5 column table]]
[[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]]

36595 | /- | Brazil 5 Arrows. iron heads |   | 12-6
36596 | Y/- | Brazil Club Engraved |   | 2-7-6
36597 | GN/- | England. Short Blunderbuss. |   |   |
36598 | M/- | Soudan Dagger. large |   | 8-0
36599 | T/- | Turkey Knife; Kanjar. brass cov'd sheath. |   | 18-6
36600 | Y/GX/- | Hawaii Adze. v. fine head. |   | 6-6-0
36601 | A/- | Congo Quiver |   | 8-6
36602 | Y/-/- | S. India Title Deed to land? Inscribed copper. |   | 4-15-0
36603 | A/- | C. Australia 'Churinga' |   | 1-15-0
36604 | G/GX/- | Europe Halbard Head. chiselled. Italian.|   | 3-15-0
36605 | GY/-/- | New Zealand Feather Box. large |   | 22-10-0
36606 | G/-/- | N. America Squaw's Coat | H28/12-9-16 | 13-10-0
36607 | G/-/- | N. America Man's Coat. | H28/12-9-16 | 4-16-0
36608 | A/- | N. America Pair Mocassins. | H28/12-9-16 | 1-6-0
36609 | A/- | N. America Fire Bag/ | H28/12-9-16 | 1-10-0
36610 | GX/- | A. India Stone Sculpture Fragments (12) Mashon Dih. Joharganj, Ashtabhuga. Mitzapur. Pratupa (Oudh) Pasin Hamirpur. |   | 2-10-0
36611 | NCA/-/- | N. America. 2 'Pence" Treaty Belts. | H28/12-9-16 | 550-17-6
36612 | GA/- | Rotumah Club [[image]] |   | 3-3-0
36613 | M/- | Victoria Club; "Leowel", |   | 16-0
36614 | M/- | Victoria Club; "Leowel", |   | 14-0
36615 | M/- | Victoria Club; "Leowel", small |   | 12-0
36616 | S/- | Victoria Shield [[image]] |   | 17-6
36617 | I/-/- | Europe. Pair. D.B. FL Pistols. S. EVANS |   |   |
36618 | Y/GX/- | Europe. Pair. F.L. silver mtd Pistols GRIFFIN. |   |   |
36619 | G/-/- | Europe. Pair. F.L. silver mtd Pistols TWIGG. |   |   |
36620 | G/-/- | Europe. Pair. F.L. silver mtd Pistols dated 1765. belt-hook Spanish. |   |   |
36621 | G/T/- | Europe. Iron Bow.  Cord [[Wells?]] |   | 3-3-0
36622 | Y/-/- | Europe. Blunderbuss with bayonet. BOND |   |   |
36623 | GX/- | Europe. Sword-Stick hilt inlaid shell. |   | 1-7-6
36624 | Y/-/- | H k |   |   |
36625 | G/-/- | F k |   |   |
36626 | Y/GX/- | New Zealand Paddle carved all over. |   | 7-10-0
36627 | G/GX/- | New Zealand Staff. [["Powhenia"?]]. 2 masks. |   | 6-6-0
36628 | GA/- | New Zealand Haui |   | 1-8-0
36629 | /- | New Zealand Club. of horse's Jaw bone.  |   | 1-1-0
36630 | A/- | New Zealand War Belt |   | 1-
36631 | /- | Fiji Belt Club. |   | 7-6
36632 | GX/- | Fiji Club. rare type [[image]] |   | 2-10-0