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[[5 column table]]
[[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]]

36899 | A/- | England FL. Pocket Pistol [[?]] WILBRAHAM |   |   |
36900 | A/- | England FL. Pocket Pistol BATE |   |   |
36901 | A/- | England FL. Pocket Pistol GEO JONES. |   |   |
36902 | A/- | England FL. Pocket Pistol JNO JONES. |   |   |
36903 | A/- | England FL. Pocket Pistol flint t. |   |   |
36904 | A/- | England FL. Pocket Pistol flint t. |   |   |
36905 | GY/S | England FL. Pocket Pistol A pair. flint t. HARCOURT. |   |   |
36906 | GY/S | England FL. Pocket Pistol A pair. t-g W. BRADNEY. |   |   |
36907 | GY/S | England FL. Pocket Pistol A pair. t-g GRIFFIN. |   |   |
36908 | GY/S | England FL. Pocket Pistol A pair. t-g W. I.JOHNSTON |   |   |
36909 | I/- | England FL. Pocket Pistol single flush t. BARWICK. new from order |   |   |
36910 | I/- | England FL. Pocket Pistol single flush t. HUNT. |   |   |
36911 | S/S | England FL. Pocket Pistol single flush t. BUSBY. |   |   |
36912 | S/S | England FL. Pocket Pistol single flush t. T.BAILEY |   |   |
36913 | A/- | England FL. Pocket Pistol t.g. LONDON |   |   |
36914 | A/- | England FL. Pocket Pistol t.g. BRASHER. |   |   |
36915 | A/- | England FL. Pocket Pistol t.g. GREEN. |   |   |
36916 | N/- | England FL. Pocket Pistol t.g. BISSEL |   |   |
36917 | N/- | Turkey. stone mouth piece mount. inlaid gold. |   | 8-0
36918 | G/A/- | Eskimo Snow-Knife. ivory |   | 2-18-0
36919 | G/GA/- | W. Australia Stone for sharpening weapons. MARDA. Lake Way. |   | 4-10-0
36920 | M/S | W. Australia Shield. v. good specimen |   | 1-1-0
36921 | -/S | W. Australia Club. |   | 4-0
36922 | M/S | W. Australia Spear Thrower carved |   | 18-6
36923 | Y/S | W. Australia Spear Thrower carved not so fine |   | 10-6
36924 | Y/- | W. Australia Spear Thrower plain |   | 5-6
36925 | GY/- | W. Africa Sacrificial Stand or Lamp. 9 bowls & spoons. brass. Bornu. |   | 3-3-0
36926 | T/- | W. Africa Ivory Horn. silver mt? |   | 1-1-0
36927 | A/- | W. Africa Ivory Horn. silver mt? smaller. |   | 14-0
36928 | C/- | W. Africa Robe. Tobe. White (Guinea-hen Tobe) fine embroidered crest. |   | 3-3-0
36929 | C/- | W. Africa Robe. Tobe. striped blue, white embroidery |   | 3-7-6
36930 | T/- | W. Africa Robe. Tobe. striped blue, white embroidery smaller |   | 2-0-0
36931 | T/- | W. Africa Robe. Tobe. dark ruby, green embroidery |   | 1-15-0
36932 | GS/- | Mendi Steatite Figure (body broken) Pointed head dress, curious Ear Orn |   | 2-2-0
36933 | Y/GN/S | Japanese Books, Screen, Views of London & Pompei. | w  |   |
36934 | G/GY/S | Dalmatia Marriage Belt. set carnelian. ex: fine. |   | 3-3-0
36935 | G/A/- | American Colt Revolving Rifle. pitted. |   |   |
36936| A/- | England 'Witch Globe' silk balls inside |   |   |