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[[5 column table]]
[[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]]

37355 | GS/- | England 7 pairs Snuffers | W |   
37356 | GY/- | America. Engraving. Penn's treaty with Indians |   | 2-2-0
37357 | Y/S/- | Japan 3 Iuros. Game Box & Book. | W |   
37358 | C/- | England Plug Bayonet. Jacobian |   | 18-6
37359 | Y/A/- | India Matchlock. fine inlaid barrel. stock damaged |   | 5-5-0
37360 | G/A/- | Afghan Matchlock. deep stock. Sold |   | 2-10-0
37361 | GS/- | India Sword. silvered tiger head. hilt. imitation watering |   | 1-15-0
37362 | S/- | India Sword. Tulwar. black steel blade. |   | 18-0
37363 | S/- | India Sword. Tulwar. watered blade. |   | 1-1-0
37364 | S/- | India Sword. Tulwar. watered blade. |   |   
37365 | S/- | India Sword. straight blade. |   |   
37366 | G/Y/- | Russia Ikon. | W |   
37367 | M/S | Somali Shield decorated at back |   | 15-0
37368 | M/S | Somali Shield |   | 12-0 [[strikethrough]]7-6[[/strikethrough]]
37369 | GX/- | Siam Shield. wood & sinew covd hide? small silver bosses. 17½. |   | 2-15-0
37370 | GT/- | New Zealand Iron trade Meri. painted green. Ex: Jymonach. |   | 2-10-0
37371 | G/- | New Hebrides Club. [[image]] poor. |   |   
37372 | N/- | Australia Parrying Shield [[image]] Victoria. |   | 1-1-0
37373 | -/S | Australia Club. Victoria. |   |   
37374 | -/M | Australia Club. New South Wales |   | 5-0
37375 | -/M | Australia Club. New South Wales |   | 5-0
37376 | N/- | Tibet Wine Flask black horn brass mounts. |   | 2-10-0
37377 | -/S | W. Africa Axe. Angola. |   | 6-0
37378 | -/S | S.W. Africa Working Axe. |   | 5-0
37379 | GA/S | Eskimo Harpoon Arrow with float. |   | 1-18-6
37380 | Y/- | New Guinea Axe-head. diodorite. Ex. Woodlark |   |   
37381 | Y/- | New Guinea Axe-head. diodorite. Collection of the Late Woodlark |   |   
37382 | Y/- | New Guinea Axe-head. diodorite. William Lockhart. F.R.G.S. Woodlark |   | 6-0
37383 | Y/- | New Guinea Axe-head. diodorite. China & Blackheath Woodlark |   |   
37384 | Y/- | New Guinea Axe-head. diodorite. Woodlark |   |   
37385 | Y/- | New Guinea Axe-head. diodorite. Woodlark |   |  
37386 | Y/- | New Guinea Axe-head. diodorite. Woodlark |   |  
37387 | G/- | New Guinea Axe-head. black stone. Woodlark |   |      
37388 | G/- | New Guinea Axe-head. black stone. Woodlark |   |   
37389 | G/- | New Guinea Axe-head. black stone. Woodlark |   |   
37390 | G/- | New Guinea Axe-head. in wood holder. |   |   
37391 | M/- | Samoa Axe-head. ? |   | 18-6
37392 | Y/- | Samoa Axe-head. smaller. |   | 17-6