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[[5 column table]]

Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price

33821 | G/-/- | Borneo Horse Collar. wood toggle. |   | 2 10 0
33822 | I/-/- | New Caledonia Mask & Dress. |   |   
33823 | G/-/- | New Hebrides Mask. painted woven fibre | S4/14-3-16 | 1-1-0
33824 | Y/-/- | Mangaia Adze. no binding. stone head. large square haft In Colln. |   |   
33825 | T/S | Mozambique Musical Instrument. Angochi Dist |   | 18 6
33826 | Y/- | Mozambique Knife Makūa Angochi Dist |   |   
33827 | G/S | Mozambique Club Makūa Angochi Dist |   |   
33828 | G/S | Mozambique Club Makūa Angochi Dist |   |   
33829 | Y/- | Mozambique Witch Doctor's Head-dress Makūa Angochi Dist | W22/1915 | 12-6
33830 | Y/S | Mozambique Witch Doctor's Rattle gourd [[image]] Makūa Angochi Dist {|   | 7-6
33831 | Y/S | Mozambique Witch Doctor's Rattle gourd [[image]] Makūa Angochi Dist 12/6{|   | 7-6
33832 | Y/S | Mozambique Witch Doctor's Rattle gourd [[image]] Makūa Angochi Dist {|   | 6-0
33833 | Y/S | Mozambique Witch Doctor's Rattle gourd [[image]] Makūa Angochi Dist 10/-{|   | 
33834 | GA/- | Ashanti Funeral Mask Galede. | W22/1915 | 1 5-0
33835 | GX/- | N.W. Australia Spear. thrower. carved. damaged. |   |   
33836 | N/GN/- | Japan 9 Swords. | C7/1-1-14 | 7 15-0
33837 | GS/- | S. India Sword. curious shape Malabar. | S |   
33838 | G/-/- | S. India Ayda Katti silver mtd |   | 3 17-6
33839 | GS/- | S. India Ayda Katti plain. |   |   
33840 | GA/- | India Straight Sword gold dec: basket-hilt. Farangi. |   |   
33841 | T/S | Nepal Kukri. extra thin blade. |   | 12-6
33842 | Y/S | Malay Kris. |   |   
33843 | A/- | India Knife. ivory hilt. inlaid gold |   |   
33844 | A/- | India Knife. |   |   
33845 | A/- | India Knife. |   |   
33846 | G/G/- | Afghan Salawar Yataghan dec. gold | S35/27-3-14 | 2-2-0
33847 | GT/- | Turkey. Pistol Loading Rod. silver. |   |   
33848 | I/- | Turkey. Pistol Loading Rod. brass |   |   
33849 | GY/S | England Pocket Pistol GRIFFIN. silver mask butt. | B48/26-9-16 | 1-7-6
33850 | GT/S | England D.B. Pistol |   |   
33851 | Y/Y/- | England Pair DB. FL Under & Over by Jos MANTON. | S40/1915 | 7 12-6
33852 | A/- | Eskimo Mat. |   | 10 6
33853 | GY/S | Eskimo Doll |   | 1 5-0
33854 | Y/-/- | Nigeria Pair Large Fetish Figures. yellow. 25 & 22 1/2" high | C30/1915 | 3 5-0
33855 | G/GA/- | Sierra Leone Bundu Mask. |   | 3 10 0
33856 | G/GX/- | Sierra Leone Musereh Figure 24" high | C30/1915 | 2 15-0
33857 | GX/- | Sierra Leone Musical Instrument [[image]] |   | 1 2-6
33858 | M/- | Fiji Adze. haft damaged. |   |   

Transcription Notes:
33836: An "S" has been written over "1114". 33846: An "S" has been written over S35|27-3-14.