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[[5 column table]]

[[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]]

33859 | Y/S | Senegambia Fetish Figure narrow | H38/2-11-15 | 12-6
33860 | N/- | Canada. 2 bark chair seats dec quill work. | H28/2-1-14 S | 1-18-6
33861 | GA/S | New Hebrides Smothering Mask Not retd [[?fm]] Berlin M | S |   
33862 | G/- | Santa Cruz. Belt. dec tappa. |   | 4-0
33863 | Y/S | Europe Snuff Box. painted top |   | 4-0
33864 | GX/- | Europe Police Staff. Geo III |   |   
33865 | T/S | Europe Modern pin fire Pistol |   |   
33866 | G/GX/- | Persia Sword Stick. steel inlaid gold. | S35/27-3-14 | 3-16-0
33867 | GX/- | Persia Sword Stick. K |   |   
33868 | Y/-/- | Easter Island Figure. | B16/1-1-14 S | 21-0-0
33869 | S/-/- | New Zealand Figure off a pelaster. | C34/7-4-16 | 7-10-0
33870 | GX/- | Scotch Powder Flask. |   | 16-0
33871 | M/- | Eskimo Ivory Kyak. | H28/2-1-14 | 16-0
33872 | M/- | Eskimo Stone Lamp. | K5/1915 | 18-6
33873 | A/- | Eskimo Pair Boots |   | 1-5-0
33874 | Y/- | Eskimo Skin Receptacle | H28/2-1-14 | 10-6
33875 | Y/- | Eskimo Skin Pouch |   | 4-0
33876 | Y/- | Eskimo Skin Pouch Aleutian Isl. |   | 16-0
33877 | G/S | Eskimo Skin Pouch dec. beads. |   | 10-0
33878 | G/S | Eskimo Skin Pouch Sealskin. |   | 4-0
33879 | G/- | Eskimo Skin Pouch & tooth charm. Aleutian Isl  |   | 12-0
33880 | G/- | Eskimo Skin Pouch Sealskin |   | 4-0
33881 | GX/- |{ Eskimo 1 bone Snow Knife } }| H28/2-1-14 | 1-12-6
33882 | GX/- |{ Eskimo 1 bone Snow Knife }pair. }| H28/2-1-14 | 3-5-0 1-12-6
33883 | GX/- | S. Niger Mask. |   | 1-1-0
33884 | M/- | S. Niger Wig or Hat. | W22/1915 | 12-6
33885 | A/- | S. Niger Wood Trumpet. |   | 16-0
33886 | /- | Kordofan Tinder Pouch. |   | 2-6
33887 | G/-/- | New Zealand Hani. v. fine. |   | 4-4-0
33888 | GX/- | New Zealand Hani. smaller. fine. |   | 2-2-0
33889 | /- | Africa Bow. |   | 12-6
33890 | Y/- | Persia Composite Bow. Turkey? gut cord | B49/26-2-16 | 2-10-0
33891 | N/- | California Bow. | H28/2-1-14 S | 1-10-0
33892 | I/- | N. America Pipe Bowl of hone stone. | K |   
33893 | G/- | Herero Wrist Guard of ivory. | S |   
33894 | /- | Herero Woman's Charm Case of Tortoise Carapace. |   | 5-0
33895 | /- | Herero Gourd Snuff Box. |   | 3-0
33896 | /- | S. Africa Cover. |   | 3-0