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[[5 column table]]

[[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]]

33973 | N/- | West Africa Game Platter carved rim. Yoruba. |   | 1-12-6
33974 | G/N/- | West Africa Box in form of head. Yoruba. |   | 2-18-6
33975 | I/- | West Africa Small Figures Wand or small "Shongo" Staff |   | 2-10-0
33976 | I/- | West Africa Small Figures Wand or small "Shongo" Staff |   | 1-10-0
33977 | G/G/- | West Africa Fetish Figure coloured red. |   | 2-16-0
33978 | G/G/- | West Africa Fetish Figure later. | L21/22-1-14 | 1-10-0
33979 | A/- | West Africa Ju Ju to prevent feet from peril Ibo. | W22/1915 | 2-2-0
33980 | I/- | West Africa Fetish Figure.  33 high yellow & white Old Calabar |   | 2-10-0
33981 | G/Y/- | West Africa Funeral Mask figs & snake on top. Ashanti |   | 2-10-0
33982 | S/- | West Africa Funeral Mask Ashanti |   | 1-0-0
33983 | Y/- | Ceylon Devil Mask. [[strikethrough]]v. fine[[/strikethrough]] old rough. |   | 15-0
33984 | Y/- | Ceylon Devil Mask. v. fine smaller. |   | 10-5 [[strikethrough]]12-6[[/strikethrough]]
33985 | Y/A/- | British Columbia Ceremonial Figure. showing C. dress. |   | 5-5-0
33986 | N/- | British Columbia Shale Bird | K5/12-8-16 | 8-0
33987 | G/- | Persia Brass Mace head in form of cow C |   | 10-6
33988 | GX/N/S | Old Bank Notes. "Sati" Stones. Japanese Carp Gong. Gambling Sticks. | W22/4-2-14 | 11-18-0
33989 | N/N/- | 2 Hindu Lamps 6 Jap. Iuros. | W22/4-2-14 | 3-10-0
33990 | GI/- | New Hebrides Smothering Mask. | B21/14-7-14 | 3-16-0
33991 | M/- | Fiji. Cannibal Fork. 5 prongs. v. large somewhat late |   | 2-7-6
33992 | GY/- | New Guinea Pillow. carved. |   |   
33993 | G/- | New Guinea Lime Spatula. |   |   
33994 | G/- | Solomon Comb. | B16/15 | 7-6
33995 | GY/- | Fiji Kava Ladle. |   | 1-2-6
33996 | /- | Dutch New Guinea Armlet. |   |   
33997 | G/- | Brit. New Guinea Charm. (Daku Kare) |   |   
33998 | Y/- | India Minature Dagger. | S35/27-3-14 S | 10-6
33999 | GS/- | India Thrusting Weapon. |   | 2-10-0
34,000 | M/- | India Katar. wavy blade modern 27½ | [[strikethrough]]S[[/strikethrough]] | 16-0
34001 | Y/- | India Katar. long blade. | S35/27-3-14 S | 1-2-6
34002 | Y/GX/- | India Rapier. fine long European blade. |  S35/27-3-14 S | 4-4-0
34003 | G/GA/- | Europe Rifle Carbine with oval bore. SELKOPF. | S40/1915 | 4-5-0
34004 | G/- | Malay Kris. |   |   
34005 | M/- | British Guinea Club. iron blade. |   | 3-3-0
34006 | GA/- | New Zealand Jade Ear Pendant.  |   | 3-0-0
34007 | Y/-/- | Japan Wall Piece. Matchlock. 77" long 50 lb |   | 7-10-0
34008 | T/S | German New Guinea Mask |   |   
34009 | A/- | European Gourd Primer. silver mtd. damaged | S |   
34010 | I/- | Alaskan Peninsula Harpoon with hand rest |   | 3-7-6