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[[5 column table]]

[[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]]

34011 | I/- | Alaskan Peninsula Hand Spear. fine ivory head |   | 2-15-0
34012 | T/- | Alaskan Peninsula Hand Bird Spear. 3 ivory prongs |   | 1-15-0
34013 | A/- | Alaskan Peninsula Harpoon. Feathered for Throwing Stick v. fine. |   | 2-5-0
34014 | A/- | Alaskan Peninsula Harpoon. Feathered 2 lots of feathers. |   | 1-18-0
34015 | A/- | Alaskan Peninsula Harpoon. Feathered }|   |   
34016 | A/- | Alaskan Peninsula Harpoon. Feathered }|   |   
34017 | A/- | Alaskan Peninsula Harpoon. Feathered }| 5/- | 8-10-0  
34018 | A/- | Alaskan Peninsula Harpoon. Feathered }|   |  
34019 | M/- | Alaskan Peninsula Harpoon. Feathered smaller }|   |  
34020 | M/- | Alaskan Peninsula Harpoon Arrow for Sea Otter. defective? | D10/25-3-14 | 1-1-0
34021 | G/- | Alaskan Peninsula Harpoon Arrow for Sea Otter. |   | 1-1-0
34022 | Y/-/- | Rotunda Club carved. ex. fine. |   | 7-10-0
34023 | M/- | Victoria Spear Thrower. |   |   
34024 | M/- | Victoria Club. mushroom head. |   |   
34025 | M/- | Victoria Club. [[image]] |   |   
34026 | M/- | Victoria Club. [[image]] |   |   
34027 | M/- | Victoria Club. [[image]] |   |   
34028 | M/- | Victoria Club. [[image]] |   |   
34029 | Y/- | Victoria Boomerang | M35/10-11-14 | 12-6
34030 | Y/S | Afghan Shield | S35/27-3-14 | 17-6
34031 | A/- | S.E. Africa Rhino Kervy |   |   
34032 | S/- | W. Africa Funeral Mask. Galeda Ashanti |   |   
34033 | GA/- | W. Africa "Egbo" head covd skin. with a Dress No 29490 Complete |   | 6-6-0
34034 | N/- | Eskimo Pouch Bear's Foot Aleutian Isl |   |   
34035 | Y/- | Eskimo Pouch Bear's Foot Aleutian Isl |   | 4-0 
34036 | Y/- | S.E. Africa Snuff Bottle. |   |   
34037 | T/S | New Hebrides Dish Araki. Santo. |   | 12-6
34038 | T/- | E. Africa. Pipe [[image]] Awemba T. N. Lake Nyassa. |   | 18-6  
34039 | -/S | E. Africa Crude clay Armlet |   | 1-0
34040 | I/- | Africa Slave York. | S4/29-2-16 | 1-10-6
34041 | Y/- | Africa hide Whip |   |   
34042 | G/G/- | Eskimo Snow Knife Walrus tusk & Caribou horn Southampton Bay Sidlemuts. | H28/1915 | 4-15-0
34043 | G/G/- | Eskimo Copper - C. from Franklins' Ship bottom King Williams Land. Nikekillings | D10/25-3-14 | 6-6-0
34044 | G/- | Eskimo Bone Pin |   |   
34045 | S/S | C Australia. Tooth Extractor. wood [[image]] | L12/5-6-14 S | 1-6-0
34046 | S/- | Persia Jade Bowman's Ring | S | 18-6
34047 | G/-/- | Japan. Mask. large wood. | W22/4-2-14 S | 2-5-0
34048 | GN/- | New Hebrides Club. very fine. |   | 2-2-0