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[[5 column table]]

[[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]]

34657 | GN/- | Solomon Adze in polished haft. San Christoval |   |   |
34658 | Y/- | Solomon Armlet. shell [[image]]  Malayta. | H36/5-2-16 | 14-0
34659 | Y/- | Admarilty Armlet. shell [[image]] |   |   |   
34660 | M/- | Canada Pair Snow Shoes & Mocassin Boots for same |   |   |   
34661 | G/GM/- | Aleutian Islands Belt wood Figure Mask & toggles attached | H28/1915| 4-10-0 
34662 | N/- | North America Tobacco Pouch Cris Indians North [[Onest?]]. |   | 1-0-0  
34663 | G/S/- | North America Sitting Bull's Grandson's Coat found in S.B. Camp at Standing Rock, Dak 1886. |   | [[4-18-0?]]
34664 | Y/S | North America Scalping Knife & hide sheath. | H28/1915 | 16-0
34665 | Y/- | North America Ration Ticket Case dec. beads. |   | 10-6
34666 | Y/- | North America Horn Meal Scoup. |   | 12-6
34667 | N/GA/- | North America Chiefs Frontlet. Eagle wing bones. 112 pipes Iroquois Chiefs. Accept | [[written over original]] H28/1915 [[written over original GG/GX/- | [[strikethrough]] 11-10-0 [[/strikethrough]]
34668 | [[YM/-/-?]] | Ancient Argentine Collection of Objects less coat Calama | [[written over original]] H28/1915 [[written over original]] Sold | 8-0-0
[[?]] |G/-/- | Ancient Argentine Coat Calama |   | 7-10-0
34669 | A/- | Ancient Argentine 2 Fragments of Bows & Quiver of stone tipped Arrows. Calama |   | 2-10-0 2-10-0
34670 | GM/- | England FL Pistol Pistol. |   |   |   
34671 | GM/- | England FL Pistol Pistol. silver mask. | E6/1915 | 1-6-0
34672 | M/- | India Krishna as Infant stealing butter. |   | 18-6
34673 | GY/- | Tibet Dogge. v. fine. |   | 1-1-0
34674 | Y/- | Tibet Dogge. small rough. |   | 4-0
34675 | M/- | Japan Dogge fine. |   | 10-0
34676 | S/Y/- | Piece of Skin of Dane Sand Picture | [[W?]] W22/4-7-14 | 7-10-0
34677 | G/G/- | North American Chief's Frontlet. Eagle wing bone 110 pipes Iroquois. |   | 7-0-0 [[strikethrough]]20-10-0
34678 | A/- | India. Shield iron damasceened gold. 16" dia. border 2½" } |   |   |
34679 | N/- | India. Pair Armguards damasceened gold. } | S35/1915 | 6-16-0  
34680 | G/- | Persia Shamsher. rough Europeanized. |   |   |  
34681 | GX/- | Ancient Peru Copper Mace Axe. | H36/5-2-16 | 3-10-0
34682 | A/- | Ashanti Galeda Funeral Mask. late |   | 12-6
34683 | N/-/- | Eskimo Bow Drill engraved. with mouth piece. |   | 8-15-0
34684 | Y/-/- | Eskimo Woman's Scraper. [[image]] | H28/1915 | 3-3-0
34685 | GS/S | Eskimo Bone Ornament. |   | 1-15-0
34686 | GA/- | Tonga Club. carved very rare work. broken. |   |   
34687 | GX/- | England Case containing Pepper Box by Cogswell. | S40/1915 | 1-12-6
34688 | G/A/- | England Case containing Pair D.B. P.C Pistols. ROPER HALIFAX | J12/8-3-16 | 2-15-0
34689 | M/GA/- | England 3 barrelled FL Pistol J. COE. | E6/1915 | 5-15-0
34690 | G/-/- | England FL Pistol brass barrel. J. MOORE. |   |   |   
34691 | G/GX/- | England FL Pistol blunderbuss B. RYAN & WATSON |   |   |   
34692 | G/GA/- | England FL Pistol blunderbuss PARKER. bayonet |   |   |   
34693 | Y/A/- | England Blunderbuss. 'FLY or DIE' |   |   |   
34694 | GM/- | England Brown Ben. with bayonet. |   |   |   

Transcription Notes:
Appears to be another item stuck in between Stock Numbers 34668 and 34669. Difficult to decipher.