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[[5 column table]]
[[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]]

34467 | /- | Java Bell Hook [[image]] |   | 5-0
34468 | Y/- | Java Glaive Blade [[image]] v. fine | S35/1915 | 14-0
34469 | Y/- | Java Spear [[image]] large | S35/1915 | 12-6
34470 | /- | Java Spear smaller |   | 6-0
34471 | /- | Java Spear small |   | 4-0
34472 | /- | Java Spear [[image]] |   | 6-0
34473 | /- | Tennassrim Knife stag horn hilt L Burmah |   | 6-0
34474 | /- | Tennassrim Knife stag horn hilt L Burmah |   | 6-0
34475 | /- | Tennassrim Miniature Dha. & sheath. L Burmah |   | 4-0
34476 | Y/-/- | Java Kris. gold case 4½ ozs gold = 16 soverigns | S35/1915 | 25-0-0 
34477 | G/-/- | Java Kris. ivory drill carved hilt. gold mts | S35/1915 | 6-15-0
34478 | /-/- | Java Kris. fine plain specimen. | W34/30-1-15 | 1-7-6
34479 | G/GX/- | New Zealand. Wahaika small. partly carved. |   | 6-10-0
34480 | Y/GX/- | Marquesas Stilt Step } |   | 
34481 | Y/-/- | Marquesas Stilt Step. } |   | 8-10-0
34482 | G/A/- | Brazil Club. Etched [[image]] |   | 1-18-0
34483 | Y/GX/- | New Zealand Knife. carved handle 4-0-0 } |   |   | 
34484 | M/GX/- | New Zealand Adze-haft. 6-10-0 } Brought to England prior to 1860. by the late RW. Crump. Indian Civil Service. Wray Barton, Moreton hampstead. |   | 18-10-0
34485 | S/GX/- | New Zealand Wahaika. 9-10-0 } |   |   |  
34486 | T/S | German [[strikethrough]] 'Guild' [[/strikethrough]] Axe. [[strikethrough]] bone [[/strikethrough]] narwhal haft. 17th Cent C |   | 1-1-0
34487 | GA/- | German Hunting Sword. ivory hilt. "Andrea Ferrara" blade. | C7/1915 | 2-10-0
34488 | M/S | 'Colt' Revolver in case. |   |   |  
34489 | G/GX/- | Europe Halbard |   | 3-3-0
34490 | G/GX/- | Europe Halbard |   | 3-3-0
34491 | Y/-/- | Europe Partizan. [[image]] |   | 4-10-0
34492 | G/GA/- | Europe Partizan Engraved Arms. |   | 4-4-0
34493 | G/Y/S | E Europe Pair F.L. Pistols. NEWARK COVENTRY. | E6/1-1-14 | 2-12-6
34494 | GG/-/- | Europe Pair Forsyth Pocket Pistols. | S40/1915 | 17-10-0
34495 | G/- | Eskimo Bag. |   | 4-0
34496 | G/- | Eskimo Bag. |   | 4-0
34497 | Y/- | Matty Isl. Fish Hook | B16/15 | [[6-0?]]
34498 | G/- | Millie Isl. Fish Hook modern |   | 2-6
34499 | GG/- | S. India Griffin Head brass. C |   | 17-6
34500 | Y/-/- | Japan Swords (3) | B48/1915 | 3-0-0
34501 | GX/- | English FL. Blunderbuss brass barrel |   | 1-1-0
34502 | S/- | English Military Pistol |   | 16-0
34503 | G/- | English Powder Flask |   | 3-0
34504 | M/- | India Kukri & sheath. large | [[S19/30-9-16?]] | 18-6