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[[5 column table]]
[[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]]

34543 | G/A/- | W. Africa Large Mask dec: brass. Zomba |   | 3-3-0
34544 | A/- | India Axe. [[image]] Ooviah, Ganjam Orissia. | S35/1915 | 18-0
34545 | GY/S | [[Strikethrough]] N. Hebrides [[/strikethrough]] Sago Charm. N.G NE [[C?]] | W22/14-3-16 | 2-5-0
34546 | T/S | Tonga Fish hook. bone back. | K5/1915 | 1-4-0
34547 | G/GX/- | N. America Club v. fine | H28/1915 | 14-0-0
34548 | Y/S | B. Columbia. Scoup. painted wood | H28/1915 | 16-0
34549 | A/- | Patagonia Bolas. 2 balls. |   | 1-7-6
34550 | Y/S | Tierra-del-Fuego Sling. brought home by Comr Graves R.N. |   | 1-12-6
34551 | Y/S | Tierra-del-Fuego Sling. smaller. brought home by Comr Graves R.N. |   | 1-10-0
34552 | G/T/S | England Pair Duelling Pistols T. MACE. } |   |   |   
34553 | Y/-/- | England Pair Duelling Pistols WILKINSON. } |   |   |   
34554 | GA/- | England one Duelling Pistol HAUGH. DUMFRIES } See  |   |   |  
34555 | GA/- | England one Duelling Pistol THOS. ALLPORT. } Fire Arm Book |   |   |  
34556 | G/-/- | England pair Travelling Pistols H. NOCK. } | J12/3-2-16 | 2-12-6
34557 | G/-/- | England U & O GARDNER. } |   |   |   
34558 | G/GX/- | England Pistol brass barrel. silver butt. D. COLLUMBELL } |   |   |   
34559 | GX/- | England Pistol brass barrel. HEYLIN. } |   |   |   
34560 | GX/- | England Govt. Pistol. brass mts dated 1759. } |   |   |   
34561 | Y/A/- | England 7 barrelled Gun by H. NOCK. } |   |   |   
34562 | GX/- | England Knife Pistol with spring knife bayonet } | E6/1915 | 1-12-6
34563 | Y/- | Benin Brass Armlet. [[image]] |   | 7-6
34564 | Y/- | Benin Brass Armlet. [[image]] |   | 7-6
34565 | /- | Benin Brass Armlet. beaded edge. [[image]] |   | 3-0
34566 | Y/-/- | Tonga Club. carved all over. figs. fine spec: 32 figs | [[strikethrough]] 6-6-0 [[/strikethrough]] 12-10-0
34567 | Y/-/- | Harvey Spear Club |   | 6-10-0
34568 | G/-/- | Harvey Spear Club v. small. |   |   |   
34569 | G/GX/- | England F.L. Blunderbuss with bayonet. |   | 4-10-0
34570 | N/- | Turkey 3 Standard Weights |   | 10-0
34571 | Y/S | [[Formose?]] Ingot Money. silver. [[image]] | S50/20-3-16 | 9-0
34572 | A/- | Silver Broach. iron age form |   | 12-6
34573 | [[-/S?]] | England. Shagreen Box. containing Hypodermic Syringe | S4/1915 | 7-6
34574 | M/-/- | Mangaia Turret Adze. |   |   |   
34575 | GM/GA/S | Tibet Devil Dagger. Jap Sword Furniture. Tibet Shrine & Necklet. | W22/4-2-14 | 17-10-0
34576 | Y/- | China or Tibet Set Money Scales in case. |   | 7-6
34577 | M/- | China Green Shagreen Case with silver Spectacles. | sold | 15-0
34578 | G/- | Europe Ear Trumpet. Collapsable. |   | 5-0
34579 | G/G/- | Sierra Leone 'Bundu' Mask | E7/8-10-14  Sold | 3-5-0
34580 | M/- | Sierra Leone 'Warri' Bowl. |   | 1-1-0