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magazine will incur net operating losses of $1.739,000 in fiscal year 1986 and $805,000 in fiscal year 1987, with a [[//underscored]] first [[end underscoring//]] surplus of $134,000 being realized in fiscal year 1988.

Minor adjustments have been made in the projections for special purpose and restricted trust funds, including the first payment for the acquisition of the Thomas Eakins portrait of [[//underscored]] William Rush and His Model [[end underscoring//]] by the National Museum of American Art using donated funds.

[[underscored]] Fiscal Year 1987 [[/underscored]]

With respect to 1987, OMB has allowed approximately 7.5% more for the Institution than it will receive in 1986.  The allowance by account for fiscal year 1987 is shown below compared to final conference action on the fiscal year 1986 request.

[[4 columns]]
 | [[underlined]] FY 1986 [[/underlined]] | [[underlined]] FY 1987 [[/underlined]]
 | Final 
 | Conference | Request | OMB
[[underlined]] Account | Level | To OMB | Allowance [[/underlined]]

Salaries and Expenses | $176,995 | $202,219 | $190,061
  National Zoological Park | 5,518 | 7,351 | 4,851
  Restoration and Renovation | 11,009 | 16,000 | 14,828
  Quadrangle | 3,976 | 4,000 | 4,000
  General Post Office | - | 3,000 | -
  Tropical Research Institute | - | 3,900 | 1,500
  Whipple Observatory |- | 4,500 | -
Special Foreign Currency Program | [[underlined]] 2,485 | 2,000 | - [[/underlined]]
 | $199,983 | $242,970 | $215,240

Note:  These figures do not take into account possible Gramm-Rudman-Hollings adjustments.

The latitude OMB has given in use of the funds will enable the Institution to undertake construction of the Tupper facility at STRI.

Fiscal year 1987 estimates for nonappropriated trust funds incorporate projections for [[underscored]] Air & Space [[/underscored]] magazine, the second payment of $1.5 million to be drawn from general unrestricted funds for the purchase of Vever Collection, and the second phased donation/payment for the Thomas Eakins painting.

[[underscored]] Five-Year Prospectus, Fiscal Years 1987-1991 [[/underscored]]

Mr. Adams noted that the delayed receipt of the fiscal year 1986 appropriation from Congress and the fiscal year 1987 budget allowances from the Office of Management and Budget have prevented an update of the draft [[underscored]] Five-Year Prospectus, Fiscal Years 1987-1991 [[/underscored]] that was presented to the Board of Regents at its September 1985 meeting.  Under this circumstance, and since the recently approved Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (Public Law 99-177) may have an

Transcription Notes:
duplicate of page 11