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provisions of Section 1.02 and as confirmed by the Regents, the proposed Section 2.10 will be laid over for formal approval at the May 5, 1986 meeting of the Board.

[[underlined]] Report of the Audit and Review Committee [[/underlined]]

Mr. Acheson reported that the Audit and Review Committee met on November 5, 1985, at the Smithsonian's Museum Support Center.  Messrs. Burke and Sniechoski discussed safeguards in handling hazardous materials, giving a brief overview of the organization, resources, and the internal as well as external responsibilities of the Safety Division, describing the nature and typical Smithsonian locations of chemical hazards, biohazards, and hazardous physical agents, and indicating the Safety Division's role in identifying, evaluating, and controlling them.  They also outlined current activities and the extent of the Smithsonian's interaction with other institutions, especially museums and universities, on such matters.  In discussion, it was noted that the Division's operations in the future will require additional resources to ensure a safer environment for employees, volunteers, and visitors through more comprehensive oversight of the storage, use, and disposal of these materials.

Mr. Wilcox briefly described the history and purposes of the Museum Support Center, emphasizing the importance of Support Center programs which provide environmental protection for the collections and noting especially the tightly-controlled interior temperature and humidity, extensive pest controls, technologically-advanced security systems, and computerized collection information systems.  Explaining that the Center has not yet reached its potential due in large measure to difficulties and delays in installing a large proportion of collections storage equipment, he led the Committee on a tour of various Center facilities.

Dr. van Zelst gave a concise overview of the Conservation Analytical Laboratory, describing the major foci of Laboratory operations in five separate but mutually reinforcing programs: archaeometry, conservation science, conservation treatment, conservation training, and conservation information.  He then gave the Committee a tour of selected Laboratory operations, in each of which Laboratory scientists and conservators provided the Committee with demonstrations and commentaries on work in progress.

[[underlined]] Report of the Personnel Committee [[underlined]]

Mr. Humelsine noted that the Chancellor, acting on a recommendation from Chairman Rush, had appointed Regent Emeritus Caryl P. Haskins to serve on the Personnel Committee in the vacancy created by the death of Mr. Mahon.

In a letter to the Chancellor the Personnel Committee reported that they had reviewed the financial interests statements of the executive staff of the Institution and they had found no conflict of interest whatsoever.  The Committee also discussed a report of the General Counsel/Ethics Counselor entitled "Submission and review of