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science, conservation treatment, conservation training, and conservation information. He then gave the Committee a tour of selected Laboratory operations, including the archaeometry laboratory, the conservation science laboratory, and the furniture and paper conservation laboratories. In each of these settings the Laboratory scientists and conservators provided the Committee with demonstrations and thought-provoking commentaries on work in progress. The Committee concluded its meeting with a short, informal discussion in the seminar room of the Conservation Analytical Laboratory. It was agreed that the next meeting of the Committee, to be scheduled for a convenient date in early March, should include Coopers and Lybrand's report on the fiscal year 1985 financial statements and its Report to Management, the Office of Audits and Investigations' annual report, and such other topics as may be suggested at a later date. The meetings was adjourned at 10:00 a.m. 

[[underlined]] Report of the Personnel Committee [[/underlined]] 

Mr. Humelsine drew the Regents' attention to the letter below which summarizes the Committee's findings in their annual review of the staff's reporting of financial interests. He also noted that the Chancellor, acting on a recommendation from Chairman Rush, had appointed Regent Emeritus Caryl P. Haskins to serve on the Personnel Committee in the vacancy created by the death of Mr. Mahon. 
