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The Secretary alluded briefly to the plans under development for an exhibition on the Information Age at the National Museum of American History. As reported widely in the press, the Smithsonian was recently the recipient of a $1 million challenge grant from IBM for this purpose. In the wake of the contribution the Secretary has been scheduling meetings with chief executive officers of a number of other major firms in the industry in an attempt to get proportional contributions.


Mr. Adams distributed copies of the initial issue of the "American Visions" magazine along with copies of a January 28 [sic], 1986 memorandum from its Editor and Publisher, Mr. Gary Puckrein, pleading for additional support. The Secretary stated that the future of the magazine was in doubt if the Regents felt they could not offer the requested amount, $150,000, over a five-month period. It was noted hat the Institution had provided a total of almost $300,000 to date and that the Visions Foundation had appealed again to the Ford Foundation. Mr. Adams also noted that "Visions" magazine had been provided a great deal of assistance from SMITHSONIAN magazine. After discussion it was generally agreed that the Institution was not in a position to provide the additional support requested.


Citing recent communications from individual Regents with regard to the Museum of the American Indian in New York, Mr. Adams said the Smithsonian continues to be in a watchful posture, rather than an active one. He characterized the collection as perfectly splendid.