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use of third class postage by non-profit organizations such as the Smithsonian; increases in those rates could have a major impact on the financial projections for SMITHSONIAN magazine as well as other auxiliary activities of the Institution. Reminding the Regents about the devastating earthquakes in Mexico last September, Mr. Adams reported that he had offered the assistance of Smithsonian expertise to the Mexicans in their efforts to restore cultural artifacts and works of art; while a recent letter from the Mexican Embassy requests financial aid, Mr. Adams said he would reiterate the offer to lend expertise but would not be able to contribute Smithsonian funds. The Secretary also reported that he had joined the board of governors of a consortium of institutions organized to explore the possibility of recovering a second Egyptian solar boat that now seems to be buried alongside the area where the first such boat was discovered; the hope is to use this as an opportunity for more complete recovery of various kinds of materials than has been possible in the past, beginning with the recovery of a sealed atmospheric sample which would be of great scientific importance. Finally, Mr. Adams noted that the [[underlined]] Air & Space [[/underlined]] magazine is projecting it will have approximately 290,000 paid subscriptions in advance of the distribution of the first issue; with continuing help of circulation and marketing expertise from SMITHSONIAN magazine, [[underlined]] Air & Space [[/underlined]] ought to begin returning surpluses to the Smithsonian sooner than originally expected.