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Source & Application of Funds
Actual FY 1985
(Excluding Foreign Currency Program)

Schedule A

[[Table, 7* columns]]
OPERATING FUNDS | Federal Approps. | Federal Gr. & Cont. | Unrest. Trust Funds General | Sp. Purp. | Restricted Trust Funds | Total Op. Funds

[[underlined]] Funds Provided [[\underlined]] | | | | | | 

Federal Appropriation Investments | 164,321 | - | - | - | - | 164,321

Gifts, Grants & Contracts | - | - | 4,1376 | 645 | 3,639 | 8,421

Self-generated - Gross Rev.  | | | | | | 

Auxiliary Acts. (Sch. F) | - | | 135,368 | - | - | 135,368

Bureaus (Sch. G) | - | - | - | 5,792 | - | 5,792

Other Misc. | - | 1 | 233 | 1,680 | 805 | 2,719


Total Income | 164,321 | 15,653 | 139,775 | 8,129 | 9,937 | 337,815

Less Expenses - Self Gener. | | | | | | 

Auxiliart Acts. (Sch. F) | - | - | (113,833) | - | - | (113,833)

Bureaus (Sch. G) | - | - | - | (5,528) | - | (5,528)


Net Funds Provided | 164,321 | 15,653 | 25,942 | 2,601 | 9,937 | 218,454

[[underlined]] Funds Applied: (Net) [[\underlined]]  | | | | | | 

Science | 55,250 | 15,392 | 2,819 | 4,168 | 2,957 | 80,586

Less: SAO O/H Recovery | - | - | (2,282) | - | - | (2,282)

History & Art | 27,603 | 114 | 1,866 | 2,024 | 4,601 | 36,208

Public Service | 2,294 | - | 1,611 | 437 | 138 | 4,480

Museum Programs | 9,040 | 15 | 472 | 569 | 1,063 | 11,159

Dir. of Intl. Activities | 272 | - | 370 | - | - | 642

Special Programs | 11,272 | 43 | 884 | 2,053 | 402 | 14,654

Associates Pgms/Bus Mgmt | - | 4 | 857 | 45 | 24 | 930

Administration - SI | 11,549* | - | 7,072 | 628 | 114 | 19,363

Less: SI O/H Recovery | - | - | (7,391) | - | - | (7,391)

Faciilities Services | 47,041 | - | 1,422 | 106 | 7 | 48,576


Total Funds Applied | 164,321 | 15,568 | 7,700 | 10,030 | 9,306 | 206,925

[[double line]]

[[underlined]] Transfers: [[\underlined]] Out (In) | | | | | | 

Current Funds | | | | | | 

-Bureau Revenue Sharing | - | - | 815 | (815) | - | -

-NASM Theatre | - | - | (427) | 427 | - | -

-Fellowships | - | - | 2,082 | (2,082) | - | -

-Special Programs | - | - | 6,160 | (6,160) | - | -

-Other | - | - | 6,540 | (6,540) | - | - 

Plant Funds | - | - | 20 | - | - | 20

Endowment Funds | - | - | 3,000 | 14 | 129 | 3,143


Total Transfers | - | - | 18,190 | (15,156) | 129 | 3,163

[[double line]]

[[underlined]] Change in Fund Balance [[\underlined]] | - | 85 | 52 | 7,727 | 502 | 8,366


[[underlined]] Ending Fund Balance [[\underlined]] | - | 372 | 5,138 | 23,832 | 9,312 | 38,654

[[double line]]

[[Table, 3 columns]]

[[underlined]] CONSTRUCTION FUNDS | Federal Appropriations | Nonfederal Funds [[\unedrlined]]

National Zoological PArk  | 4,851 | -

Restoration & Renovation of Bldgs. | 13,475 | - 

Museum of African Art Mortgage Payments | - | 20

Constrcution Contingency | - | -


| 18,326 | 20

[[double line]]


*Includes unobligated funds of $173,000 returned to the U.S. Treasury.

Transcription Notes:
Columns separated with pipe *First row has 6 columns, "Unrest Trust Funds" col splits into 2 ("General" & "Sp. Purp.") after this