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instances where appropriate accommodations came primarily at the expense of the general public. Accordingly, interim measures have been placed into effect in Smithsonian museums to minimize public inconvenience. These measures include scheduling such visits at times when the museum is not open to the public (for example, before it opens in the morning). Whenever it is not possible to schedule at a time that would avoid the need to close to the public, the visit will be scheduled during least crowded times and the closing will be delayed until the last possible moment.

Mr. Adams suggested that the adoption of an enduring Regents' policy to this effect will strengthen the position of the staff when faced with such circumstances. Accordingly, the following motion was suggested and adopted:

VOTED that the Board of Regents discourages the closing of Smithsonian exhibition galleries or entire museums during normal hours for public visitation to accommodate the security requirements of distinguished individuals or groups. When such arrangements are deemed by the Secretary to be in the best interests of the Institution, every effort should be made to minimize limitations placed on the public's access to the exhibitions.

[[underlined]] National Air and Space Museum Facility at Dulles [[/underlined]]

Mr. Adams reminded the Regents that at their meeting on September 16 the Board voted an expression of appreciation to the Washington Dulles Task Force for its proposal to provide an interim facility for the space shuttle [[underlined]] Enterprise [[/underlined]].  The Board also agreed that the Secretary should review the proposal and directed him to report his findings to the Executive Committee.