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with basic research, both within the Zoo itself and in field studies on behavior, ecology, and reproductive biology.

The Council also noted with satisfaction the growing reconciliation between the exhibit and the research programs of the Zoo.  In an increasingly urbanized society zoos present a major point of entry to an appreciation of the living world.  Thus the emphasis on more comprehensive presentations through an invertebrate exhibit, and a greater emphasis on plants throughout the grounds, are important steps.  So is the concern with a thematic rather than a menagerie approach, and the proposal to highlight the major conservation problems which tropical deforestation present.  The graphics and design work in the exhibits viewed by the Council seem of impressively high quality.

Despite the dramatic improvements achieved over an earlier era, the Council sensed a continuing need to monitor (and nurture where necessary) communication between and integration of the education/exhibit programs, on the one hand, and the research staff, on the other.  These latter struck the Council as unusually articulate and persuasive in their various presentations.

The efforts to build relationships with other Smithsonian bureaus, both in research and exhibit areas, are laudable.  With so many conservation problems located in developing countries, the overseas program in research and conservation, especially in training, is of special importance.  It should definitely receive sustained support, and would gain effectiveness if trainee support could be continued after return to the home country, as a recognized part of the larger program.

The Council commends Dr. Robinson for his various improvements in staff morale at the Zoo, exhibit design, administrative efficiency (while urging continued attention to clarifying lines of authority), and greatly admires his innovative and thoughtful plans for the future.

[[underlined]] Saturday morning, October 19th [[/underlined]]:

The Council spent the morning examining pre-college science education, as part of a full day's exploration of various aspects of the Smithsonian's educational role and responsibilities.  Ralph Rinzler, Assistant Secretary for Public Service, and Ann Bay, Director, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, were aided in their presentations by an historical overview offered by Joan Madden, Chief of the Office of Education at the National Museum of Natural History.  Following this discussion Douglas Lapp, Director of the National Science Resources Center, presented existing plans for a National Science Resources Center.