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[[underlined]] Bicentennial of the Constitution [[/underlined]]

Project plans for Bicentennial activities continue although fiscal year 1986 funding levels are still undecided. The outcome of this budget is especially critical for the completion of American History's exhibition, "The Japanese American Experience During World War II," which is relying on 1986 funding to begin preparation of the exhibition space. The Office of Management and Budget has acted favorably on the fiscal year 1987 request for Bicentennial funding, and all $376,000 requested was approved in the passback received December 13.

[[underlined]] LEGISLATION [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Reappointments of Dr. Bowen and Mr. Humelsine [[/underlined]]

H. J. Res. 411 and H. J. Res. 412, providing for the reappointments of Mr. Humelsine and Dr. Bowen respectively to the Board of Regents, were introduced by Mr. Boland on October third and referred to the Committee on House Administration. A hearing with the Committee's Task force on Libraries and Memorials is expected early in the second session of the 99th Congress.

S. J. Res. 214 and S. J. Res. 215, companion Senate measures, were introduced by Senator Goldwater on October fourth and referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration. A hearing on the resolutions was held on November 12; they were reported on November 20 and approved by the Senate on December 12.

[[underlined]] Cooper-Hewitt Construction [[/underlined]]

S. 583, the bill authorizing planning and construction of facilities for the Cooper-Hewitt, was reported by the Senate Committee on