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Rules and Administration on November 4 and approved by the Senate on November 12.

On November 7 the House Committee on Public Works and Transportation held a hearing on H. R. 1609, a companion measure.  An effort in the House on November 19 to pass the Senate bill by consensus was thwarted and the measured failed by a roll-call vote of 177-234.  However, it is anticipated that another attempt to secure adoption of the measure will be made in 1986.

[[underlined]] Investments in South Africa [[/underlined]]

On December fifth the Committee on House Administration ordered reported H. R. 2567, the bill introduced by Mary Rose Oakar on May 21 and co-sponsored by Messrs. William Clay (D-Missouri), Walter Fauntroy (D-District of Columbia), and Parren Mitchell (D-Maryland).  The measure would prohibit the Smithsonian from making, directly or indirectly, loans to and investments in the Republic of South Africa.  It also would require the liquidation of any extension of credit and the disposal of any investment within one year after enactment of the legislation.

Mr. Frenzel (R-Minnesota), Mr. Gingrich (R-Georgia), Mr. Roberts (R-Kansas), and Mr. Thomas (R-California)opposed reporting the bill and spoke in support of the Institution's actions to date.  It is anticipated that they will include minority views in the Committee report.

[[underlined]] National Air and Space Museum Expansion [[/underlined]]

H. R. 3403, to authorize the Smithsonian Institution to plan, design, and construct facilities for the National Air and Space Museum, was introduced on September 20 by Mr. Mineta for himself, Mr.