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[[underlined]] Quadrangle Construction [[/underlined]]

The Quadrangle's roof drainage system is being connected to the city storm drains and will soon be operational.  Concrete work on the kiosk roof dome has been completed, and preparations are being made for the application of copper sheathing to the roof of the Sackler Gallery pavilion in January.  Installation of exterior granite veneer has begun at the Sackler pavilion roof line and along its adjacent skylight facing on Independence Avenue.

Elsewhere, concrete blockwork on five of the eight emergency egress stairwells has been completed.  Excavation for the connecting link between the Castle and the Quadrangle building has been completed, and the concrete floor slab, walls and stairs are scheduled for completion by mid-February.  Preliminary landscape work has included the planting for 14 Magnolias and 10 Little Leaf Lindens in the Enid A. Haupt Garden.

Stonework within both pavilions and the kiosk is approximately 85% complete.  Below grade, installation of the escalator serving the third level from the kiosk has started and steel studding of all partitions on the third level is in place with approximately half having received sheetrock.  On the two upper levels partitioning and mechanical work are continuing on schedule.

As of December 20 the Quadrangle construction was approximately 73% completed.  It is anticipated that the Institution will be given beneficial occupancy of the third level below grade by early April and that construction will be finished by late spring 1986.