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[[underlined]] Television [[/underlined]]

A Plan is underway to restructure the Institution's telecommunications operation and expand its scope to allow the Smithsonian to take better advantage of the significant educational outreach opportunities afforded by the rapidly emerging technology. The success of [[underlined]] Smithsonian World [[/underlined]] and the consequent multi-million dollar corporate request to do collaborative film and television projects with the Institution have also prompted management to consider how best to utilize these media opportunities. A committee of Smithsonian and outside experts (including scholars, media/education specialists, producers and market experts) has been formed to assist in developing media goals and position descriptions consonant with the Institution's mission to increase and diffuse knowledge. The committee met on December 13 to discuss the future orientation of the Smithsonian in the areas of electronic and film media and to establish the content and calendar for future meetings.

At [[underlined]] Smithsonian World,[[/underlined]] Adrian Malone will replace Martin Carr as the Executive Producer as of January 6. A twelve-year veteran of the BBC, Malone was the executive producer of "The Ascent of Man" with Jacob Bronowski and "Cosmos" with Carl Sagan. The final two shows of the series' second year have been completed. "On the Shoulders of Giants," to be broadcast on January 22, 1986, focuses on David Steadman, a 34 year old Smithsonian research associate, as the program moves from the Galapagos Islands to the Cook Islands and England, showing how Steadman's work is shedding new light on Darwin and the mysteries of evolution. The final show of the season, "American Pie," will air on March 19 in four segments: a focus on Fayetteville, North Carolina, and the rejuvenation of American towns; a visit to Osh Kosh