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financial support for the National Science Research Center is now expected to be administered by the National Academy of Sciences, reducing income and expenses budgeted under federal grants and contracts.

     As noted in the newsletter, a $1 million grant has been made by the Pew Memorial Trust towards Phase 1 renovations of the Castle to establish a primary information and orientation center in the Great Hall of the Smithsonian's first building. Funds for the the remaining two phases, totaling an additional $1.6 million, are being sought from other outside sources.

     A new restricted endowment, the Edward Waldo Forbes Fund, has been established for the Freer Gallery, to further scientific study of the care, conservation and protection of works of art.

[[underlined]] Fiscal year 1987 – Estimates (Schedule D) [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] --Federal Appropriations [[/underlined]]: Charts have been adjusted to reflect the budget as submitted to Congress. Subsequent to the preparation of materials for the January Regents' meeting in response to a further appeal by the Secretary, the Office of Management and Budget allowed $3.5 million for construction of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute laboratory and conference center to match the Tupper Family gift. House hearings on the Institution's fiscal year 1987 budget request, held on March 21, 1986, centered on the impact of the fiscal year 1986 Gramm–Rudman–Hollings cuts. Senate hearings are scheduled for May 1986. Final Congressional action is not expected until late summer.