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Source & Application of Funds       
Budget FY 1986
(Excluding Foreign Currency Program)
Schedule B


[[underlined]] OPERATING FUNDS [[/underlined]] | Federal | Government | [[underlined]] Unrest. Trust Funds [[/underlined]] | Restricted | Total
[[underlined]] Approps. | Gr. & Cont. | General | Sp. Purp. | Trustfunds | Op. Funds [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] FUNDS PROVIDED: [[/underlined]]
Federal Appropriation | 176,995 | - | - | - | - | 176,995
Investments | - | - | 4,500 | 619 | 3,902 | 9,021
Gifts, Grants & Contracts | - | 15,815 | 50 | 128 | 6,680 | 22,673
Self-generated - Gross Rev. 
Auxiliary Acts. (Sch. F) | - | - | 142,905 | - | - | 142,905
Bureaus (Sch. G) | - | - | - | 3,756 | - | 3,756
Other Misc. | - | - | 80 | 1,273 | 887 | 2,241
Total Income | 176,995 | 15,815 | 147,535 | 5,777 | 11,469 | 357,591
Less Expenses - Self Gener. 
Auxiliary Acts (Sch.F) | - | - | (124,810) | - | - | (124-810)
Bureaus (Sch.G) | - | - | - | (3,164) | - | (3,164)
Net Funds Provided | 176,995 | 15,815 | 22,725 | 2,613 | 11,469 | 229,617

[[underlined]] FUNDS APPLIED: (Net) [[/underlined]]
Science | 57,911 | 15,163 | 2,806 | 2,062 | 80,680
Less: SAO O\H Recovery | - | - | (2,340) | - | - | (2,340)
History & Art | 32,256 | 59 | 1,183 | 1,143 | 6,271
Public service | 2,369 | - | 1,772 | 102 | 11
Museum Programs | 10,827 | 1 | 542 | 1,085 | 8,338 | 633
Dir. of Intl. Activities | 461 | - | 618 | 100 | 210
Special Programs | 8,571 | 592 | 1,085 | 8,358 | 633
Associates Pgms/Bus Mgmt. | - | - | 1,004 | 40 | 32
Administration - $1 | 11,949 | - | 8,388 | 633
Less: $1 O/H Recovery | - | - | (7,900) | - | -
Facilities Services | 52,651 | - | 1,606 | 239 | 1
Total Funds Applied | 176,995 | 15,815 | 8,764 | 13,079 | 11,800

[[underlined]] TRANSFERS: [[/underlined]] Out (In)
Current Funds
-Bureau Revenue Sharing | - | - | 800 | (800) | - | - 
-NASM Theatre | - | - | (395) | 395 | - | - 
-Fellowships | - | - | 2,255 | (2,255) | - | -
-Special Programs | - | - | 6,300 | (6,300) | - | -
-Other | - | - | 1,479 | (1,479) | - | - 
Plant Funds | - | - | 22 | - | - | 22
Endowment Funds | - | - | 3,000 | - | 126 | 3,126
Total Transfers | - | - | 13,461 | (10,439) | 126 | 3,148

[[underlined]] CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE [[/underlined]] | - | - | 500 | (27) | (457) | 16

[[underlined]] ENDING FUND BALANCE [[/underlined]] | - | - | 372 | 5,638 | 23,805 | 8,855 | 38,670

[[underlined]] CONSTRUCTION FUNDS | Federal Appropriations* | Nonfederal Funds [[/underlined]]
National Zoological Park | 5,518 | -
Restoration & Renovation of Bldgs. | 11,009 | -
Quadrangle | 3,976 | -
Museum of African Art Mortgage Payments | - | 22
TOTAL | 20,503 | 22

*Does not reflect sequestration of funds as a result of Gramm-Reedman-Hollings Act.