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[[underlined]] Major Development Initiatives [[/underlined]]

The Secretary introduced the following report:

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Following the recommendations of Cambridge Associates, the Secretary announced on January 16, 1986 the substantial decentralization of the Institution's development procedures. While retaining a main Development Office for the central coordination, record-keeping, research and responsibility for pan-Institutional projects, the new plan encourages bureaus and major offices to undertake increased responsibilities for their own development and allows them to hire their own development officers with the assistance of the Director of the central Office of Membership and Development. Thus, projects requiring less than $100,000 in direct and indirect costs may be pursued by bureaus and major offices without regard to potential competition at corporate, foundation or individual sources, provided that these approaches and subsequent actions are reported to the Office of Membership and Development. Projects in excess of $100,000 are to be submitted through the Office of Membership and Development to a Development Committee consisting of the following: the Secretary, the Under Secretary, the Assistant Secretaries for Museums, Research, and Public Service, the Chairmen of the Council of Bureau Directors and the Council of Information and Education Directors, and the Director of Membership and Development. The Treasurer, the General Counsel, the Assistant Secretary for Administration, and the Director of the Office of Public Affairs have been asked to meet with the Committee and offer technical assistance.