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Swainsoma galligifolia . . . lax, 6-9 jugis, small purple flos, Pewen Bewin

Phaca Astragalus . . . new obcordatis of Carolina, short inflated pod curved mucro; Pewen Bewin

. . . fol lancacuts, long naked [[?]] flos mid size; Pewen Bewin

Glycine . . . slender trifoliate vine, no flos, habit of galactia; near Pewen Bewin
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Glycine ? 3 fol. [[folio?]] lance lin. long racemes purple flos, Illawara.

Lespidisa . . . cuneate mucronate leaves, Pewen Bewin..

Desmodium . . . lax habit, long naked racime, Pewen Bewin

. . . Foliol linean, Pewen Bewin

. . . or kennedia, round leaflets, Pewen Bewin.

. . . 3 to 4 rich, branch out base, fol 3 fol retic; Pewen Bewin

Kennedia . . . ovate reticule, leaves glaucous below, Pewen Bewin..
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