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Kinnedia | long pubescent pod fol white below large flos- lower HUNTERE

rubiunda | syndney & Ilawara

Phaseolus? |long linear lanciolate leaves, pink flos: Illawan[[strikethrough]] river [[/strikethrough]]

Lupinus | hubac, 6 feet branching pub, shore of Hunter near Newcastte perhaps int'ded 

Cassia | tall tomentose, large yell flos; Pewen Bewen -

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Cassioid ?| but short inflated pod, foliol linear; Sydney B.-

| appar'2d sp,larger, foliol tunate Linear,  Syndney B -

Sesbanioid | for pinnate, foliol large lania, stipells long compressed pod, 6 feet Pewen Bewen of Acacia

Acacia | lin lanciolate leaves capit in racines; Pewen Bewen -

 | bipinn.'capit in term' panicles, large shrub, Pewen Bewen

Transcription Notes:
This is my first time transcribing, and this is for a school project, so take my transcribing with a grain of salt.