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Rubus _ _ _ 5 leaved smooth full of spines, Illawara

_ _ _ fol white below common near Sydney

_ _ _ 2[[?]] sp fol larger less white below Illawara R

_ _ _fol broad 3 lobes white toment beneath; Illawara

Acaena _ _ _ flos in long racime capsule like [[?]] Xanthimun but spines not barbed; heights near Pewen Bewen

[[Ancristum?]] _ _ _capit globose, "sea beach at Illawara" R

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Pusica _ _ _ "chinese peach" red flos fr & stone smaller than other; cultivated in Mr McLearys garden ___

Epilobium _ _ _lance dentate leaves; ravine near Pewen Bewen ____

Myriophyllum _ _ _very long stems, short leaves; Hunter at Patricks plains
