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Haloragis - | minute foliage
broad [[semiform?] abundant in bogs Newcastle and Sydney

---- | 1 ft, strigose, fol lanc toothed alt; Pewen Bewen 

---- | ⊙ fol alt lin lacin 
long spike, 1 foot; Pewen Bewen

---- | fol subop, lacin, long linear, large flos; Pewen Bewen 

---- | fol ovate dent hairy; Sydney B

---- |  long weak stem, broad short and dentate leaves; Illawara R

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---- | branching, fol linear lanceolate mostly opposilt; Sidney B.

Lythrum | fol amplex scabiuse, flowers towards end, more robust than ours; Illawara R
----- very minute flos, near Patagonian sp, outskirts of Sydney wet situation

Eucaliptus | flos in term raceme Upper Hunter

" | axil capit, large buas  Sydney

Eucalyptus | broad leaves axillary peduncle umbels; upper Hunter