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[[Obverse Text]]
013152 / 昌興銀行 / 013152 / 中儲券伍萬圓/禮券 / 憑券兌現概不掛失 / 國華凹版印刷公司電話四三二0六 / 73.175.1303  [[overlaid stamp]]

[[Reverse Text]]
C.R.B. / THE CHONG SHING BANK LTD. / 5000 / 昌興銀行禮券簡章 / 一,本券專供餽贈親友禮券 / 一,憑券兑現概不掛失 / 一,本券須加蓋本行硬印並總經理及經理圖章方生效力 / 一,如有塗改或損毀不完整者一概作廢 [[overlaid stamp]] 訖付paid

Transcription Notes:
Please clean up my English. This is not strictly a banknote. The two big characters to either side of the pagoda style buildings in the middle of the front side marked "GIFT CERTIFICATE" The name of the bank is "Chong Shing" (in Shanghai) which is also shown on the reverse side. The denomination is 50,000 Yuan -- a very inflated currency used by the Central Reserve Bank (CRB on reverse side) in Nanking of the puppet government under Japanese occupation from 1937 to 1945. Note that this note has no serial number and no issuing date. There are several restrictions about rules and regulations of using this note. Basically, it says the bearer needs to show that the half-seal (on the right of the reverse side of the note) matches with the other half in the hands of the issuing bank before it is honored. And this certificate is to be used only once.