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[[Obverse Text]] 
[[林?]]字笫   弍   號
光緒三十三年六月   日

[[Reverse Text]]
欽差南洋通商大臣雨江總督部堂端   為
光緒三十三年六月   日示

Transcription Notes:
光緒三十三年=1907年(1907 CE) The back is a notice, rough translation: The backside includes a notice, rough translation: Use the official bank notes, so commerce could be facilitated and obey the law. Now bank notes are distributed as each represent a hundred, along with others that are ten, twenty, fifty and ninety eight, all to be paid base on the amount on the note and no reductions, and is allowed to be used in government expense. If there’s corrupt officials disrupting the processes, severe punishments will be immediately inflicted if it’s being discovered and confirmed. This bank note have official stamps along with bank stamps to prevent falsehood, if someone is making fake money he will be punished according to the law. [[This part I can’t fully understand]]. Let everyone obey this notice. (If punctuation marks to be added: 行用官錢票,以便商民事照得裕甯官銀錢局行用各種鈔票,所以便利商民維持圜法。現經刋發每張銅元百枚之鈔票與每張十枚、二十枚、五十枚、九十八枚者相輔而行,一律按照票面兌付銅元毫無折扣,并准交納丁漕關稅鹽課釐金以及各項公款。倘有吏胥奸儈阻撓遏抑,一經告發或被訪聞查實立予嚴懲不貸。此項鈔票均蓋有藩司印信及官銀錢局關防,如有私刻假票詐騙商民者照私鑄例治罪。除通飭司道關局各府州縣一體遵行外,合行出示曉諭為此示。仰各屬商民人等一體遵照行用毋違特示。)