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Detroit,Mich.--Joe Louis' oldest sister, the former Mrs. Eulalia Gaines may be signed to head a show yet un-named which will tour the principal cities of the United States it was learned here recently.

Although it is not known who is pioneering the deal it is known that the Brown Bomber's sister has received an offer to take to the stage.

Mrs. Gaines bears a close resemblance to her famous brother and is very charming with a striking likeness to an Indian maiden. High cheekbones and a copper colored complexion are the most outstanding features.

by Rollo S. Vest

Detroit, Mich.--La' Villa Tullos, twenty year old harpist may be signed to join Noble Sissie's Orchestra shortly.

Miss Tullos has received several other offers among which were opportunities to join Lew Leslie's Blackbirds, Cecil Mack's Choir, but due to her age she was forced to reject.

Miss Tullos plays nine other instruments besides the harp and in her spare time writes songs. She possesses a nice soprano voice, toe dances and does ballet numbers. Song writing to La' Villa seems to be more a hobby that an effort to create something that will storm the country. She believes all of her numbers sound silly and refuses to have the copyrighted.

Among her tunes the one entitled "Don't Ever Doubt Me", seems to stand out more brilliantly that the others. 

While going to school La' Villa was chosen each year to play harp in the All-city High School Band and twice won a place in the All-State Band. She has appeared twice on a coast-to-coast hookup and has played for several Inaugural Halls here for city officials.

Miss Tullos is expected to join Noble Sissle and his Orchestra as soon as final arrangements are made.

[[black and white photo of man is a suit and bowtie with slicked back hair and moustache]]
-Photo by Pitts.

ROLLO S. VEST, nationally known writer. Mr. Vest is the Detroit representative for his magazine.

It's A 1st Class Job
Special Theatrical Rates
446 E. Warren Ave. Detroit, Mich.

Show_Down--Page 9


Detroit, Mich.--Twenty-seven consecutive weeks in one spot in these times, especially with so many acts just beginning to go back to work, is certainly a record to be boastful of. Such is the record of Dick Montgomery clever little singer, master of ceremonies and comedian, who is now in his twenty-seventh consecutive week at the famous Black Cat Cafe.

Montgomery was brought here early in May by Herbie Benson, owner of the Black Cat, from Chicago. He opened on the tenth of that month and after working five days Mr. Benson seeing his qualities immediately signed him to a six month contract with a six month option. It is believed that Montgomery's contract will be re-newed when it expires as he is a great favorite with the patrons.

Dick was signed as a singer, but after working at that role for several weeks surprised everyone by doing a winch character and "breaking up the show". So strong was this character that he hasn't been able to dis-continue it since he first paniced the place by portraying a winch.

He possesses a rare tenor voice, is a riot of comedy and has a clear fast functioning mind which makes him a better that average master of ceremonies.

Thad--"Say, Pop, what's the difference between you and me?"
Dad--"About five bucks."

HE: That sign over there says that I love you.
SHE: Do you believe in signs?

"You are my unlucky star" said the thug as the police arrested him.