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"The Edwards Sisters"
Climb To The Top

"The Edwards Sisters," daughters of the well-known Jay Eddie Edwards, writer, dance instructor, producer and one time proprietor of America's most fabulous dancing and theatrical studio in Harlem. Where the famous "Edwards Sisters" finished in their Father's school of dancing.

The young ladies to-day rank No. 1, in the dance world, as the fastest and cleverest rhythm hoofers on the American stage.

Their first professional engagement was in 1930 at the Lafayette Theatre, in Harlem, where Leonard Harper wove the entire show around the girls, entitled "Candylanc." They went over tremendously, Harlem had now found new artists, in these two dancers, Louise Eddy Edwards and Ruth Jay Edwards.

Louise, the youngest, said years ago when Flo Mills passed on that she, Louise, would be another Flo Mills. She kept this in mind and studied very hard to emulate her idol, to-day she has nearly fulfilled her intentions, as she is a great little singer of Blues in harmony with her sister, Ruth - and how they can go into their dance.

The girls have been well-trained, in their educational work as well as their dancing, have made hosts of friends through the U. S., and can play any theatre or nite club on their return east as far as D. C., for Mr. Edwards says he'll never live in N.Y., again. Mr. Edwards possesses some very interesting letters from Los Angeles and Hollywood but says he will not divulge their contents at the present time. He thinks he has done extremely well in booking his own act directly from N. Y. to Frisco, without publicity, which he says the colored papers have so systematically avoided giving Edwards Sisters mention in their achievement. The girls say that their luck charm is their father, Jay Eddie Edwards, who is their constant guide and companion. They attend church each Sunday and join a library in each place they stop. They, too, say they know their names will be in the bright lights soon and their act heralded throughout the world for their father knows just how to go after a thing and get it. - So Jay Eddie joins his famous daughters in saying "A cheery hello,' through this magazine to managers of theatres, and nite clubs and performers they have worked with.



They heard about Walter Winchell and thought he was the most famous gossiper and storker. . .but there is one thing that has caused 113,874 readers to adjudge EARL J. MORRIS the most efficient and consistent columnist that the world has ever known, among the colored race. . .and that is just what you know.

* * *

COLUMN, dear COLUMN, "You are my Lucky Star." It's the gypsy in me that makes my typewriter cry.

[[images: three photos of Joseph Richardson Jones]]
[[caption]] JOSEPH RICHARDSON JONES, artist continuity writer of the National Broadcasting Co., merchandise mart, Chicago, and supervising-manager of the Amytis Theatre, St. Louis, Mo.

In addition to regular broadcasts over station WMAQ & WENR, Chicago, Mr. Jones, in conjunction with his activities at the Amytis, is directing the current season's presentations lf the St. Louis Negro Little Theatre, an organization formulated by the Aldridge Players. [[/caption]]


Blackbirds, is her choice of songbirds.

Miss McKaye has composed two outstanding numbers, "Gitting Off," a novelty number and "Lost Lover," a sentimental number of which Miss McKaye stated she had no inspiration.

Show-Down - Page 13