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St. Louis' Spotlight
By Smilin Dave

Berenice Wheeler, the Sepia Flo Ziegfield, brought to the Harlem Country Club last month the hit show of the season, featuring Snowball and Johnny, a versatile song and dance team. Little Snowball recently returned to the States after spending 10 years abroad. Jeter-Pillars, the masters of Rhythm, sent the show. Miss Wheeler has done more for the juvenile talent in Ole St. Louie than anyone else, yet the town writers try to knock her by publishing slanderous reports, they never write the good things. So it's not true what they say about Berenice ... The Democratic Club Garden is still a solid sender with little Dot Jones and her mellow floor show. Roosevelt Thomas and his Rhythm Kats are swinging them down... The Four Roses still feature the famous Covans and their stupendous floor show with Krazy Jimmie Mitchell, the star emc... The Golden Lily has signed up the Williams and O'Neal dance duet, formerly a Grand Terrace sensation in Chicago. This team is rated one of the greatest dance duets of today. Rose O'Neal was a member of  that famous unit, the Phantom Steppers. "Sleepy" Williams is known from coast to coast for his superb work as a producer. They will beat out rhythm for the Lilians for an indefinite period... The Covan School of the Dance is still turning out well trained dancers... If Maude Lee isn't a real saleslady of song at Howard's Place, she'll have to do until the real thing comes along, catch on?... The Dragon Inn must be what the Market Street tavern goers wanted because it is always packed... The Gateway at Pendleton and Easton is still going strong carrying out its "wine, women and song" motto... When in East St. Louis visit Kitty's Place on S.
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15th Street, and ask for Marie Crawford for complete service with courtesy. This little lady is rated the most beautiful creature in the waitress line around these parts and her smile will win the hardest heart... The Delmar Cafe is packing them in with their famous cocktails and entertainment... Joe Deshon and his Merry Men of Music are swaying the dancers at the Castle Ballroom with the sweetest and yet the swingest tunes of today and yesteryear. This maestro is featuring two pianos with his aggregation of rhythm... Dewey Jackson and his Musical Ambassadors are rated the tops around ole Smokey Town.
NEW FACES SEEN: Mary Tillman, contortionist, Golden Lily; Thick and Thin, comedy team, Four Roses; Snowball and Johnny, song and dance team, Harlem Country Club and O'Neal and Williams, rhythm flash dancers, Golden Lily. Bands: Earl Hines, Kansas City rockets and Don Redmon.
HERE AND THERE: Laura Cathrell Edwards, sister of the "Show-Down" editor, visiting from Kansas City for a few days. Mrs. Edwards is a member of an act in one of Kaysee's famous Nite Clubs... S.H. Dudley in town again, it is rumored that he will open the Club Plantation in September, taking Joe Johnson's place as producer. Joe is flying so high in Chi it is doubtful if he will return to St. Louis.

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5% Beer ... $1.30 Per Case
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Compare Our Prices
Meet Me At Delmar Square
N. W. Corner Leonard and Delmar
The Real Spot Is
Fun for Fun Makers
W. M. Spencer, Prop.
JEfferson 1021 ST. LOUIS

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Denver Dots and Dashes
By T. S. Williams

Really folks I had about decided that these tourists were going to make it impossible for me to get out a column, why they have kept me up to Streamline speed for thirty days.
Which reminds me that Mr. and Mrs. Sutton, teachers in St. Louis Public Schools, are guests of Mr. Sutton's sister, Mrs. George Holmes, 1007 East 25th Avenue.
We also have two St. Louis Gospel singers here, Mrs. Inez Armstrong and Miss Electa Adams, sisters. They are guests of their brother, T. R. Adams, 2240 Humboldt St., Miss Adams was guest soloist, August 23rd at the morning Worship of Sharter Community AME Church.
Hoffard Hackley, once Denver Pecks Bad Boy, came back to town recently after closing a successful season with his own band at Glasco, Montana. Hoffard is a trumpeter and blows a mean horn.
Another Denver trumpeter, Sam Franklin, who for some years has been associated with a Kansas City organization, passed through, Aug. 18th enroute to Los Angeles to join Eddie Barefield's Orc at the Sebastian Nite Club.
Last month I told you about the biggest little musician in Denver, Mrs. Blossom Franklin, well she "aint gono' be Mrs. Franklin after September 5th, her name will be Mrs. Skinner. O well this may be a very cold winter you know.
Dr. and Mrs. C. L. Hawkins returned recently from a trip into Old Mexico, Texas, New Mexico, California. Mrs. Hawkins is an accomplished pianist and has been mentioned before in these columns. The Doctor is a bass soloist as well as a leader in his profession of medicine here, a member of the Staff of the Denver General Hospital, and high up in Democratic Politics.
There is but little to say about our Orchestras, they are holding tight and working, this fall will see them doing big things. Will tell you all about it next month, I be seeing you.
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