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Denver Dots and Dashes
By T. S. Williams

The outstanding Pre-Easter event of the year was the Fourth Journey In Musicland, sponsored by the Mothers Club of Shorter Community AME Church, March 19th. The idea of featuring an annual musical entertainment of this nature originated in the mind of Dr. M. L. Elliston, superintendent of the Beginners Department of the Church School, the participants being between the ages of three and fifteen years. Parents of talented children look forward each year to this affair with the greatest of interest and we take this opportunity of introducing you to some of these little folk.

[[image: photo of older woman]]

These young folk of today that I have introduced to you, will take our places in the musical spots of tomorrow, and all that I hope for will have been accomplished if these accompanying photos stimulate some young artist to keep pushing onward. To the Denverites, out there somewhere, who may chance to see this, I would like to remind you that as we were, behind you, a few short years ago, so we continue to send out material yearly to take the place of those who can no more compete. Write and tell us how you like our future group.

[[image: photo of two adolescent girls, one seated playing piano, the other standing playing xylophone]]

MARIAN LOIS, 14, and Betty, 10, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Groomer, 2333 Downing St., have appeared on many leading programs with their piano and Xylaphone renditions. Mr. Groomer is the owner of a fully equipped Automobile Painting and Repair Shop, and also owns the specially built building in which his shop is located. With his five employes he cares for, keeps painted and repaired 20 large trucks owned by the largest laundry company in the city. The only member of the race with a contract of that nature.

accomplished little pianist, has the distinction of having this entire project built around her. It was she who was the outstanding little artist at the First Journey in Music-land and although only three years of age, at the time fully demonstrated her ability to render practically the entire recital. Her mother, Dr. Elliston is a Chiropodist, having completed several special courses in her work. Her clientele consists of Denver's most prominent citizens of the other group, her office lacks nothing in the way of modern equipment necessary to her work. 

[[image: photo of young girl holding a bouquet of flowers with floral arrangements arrayed behind her]]