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The Press Reports:

"The Cotton Club has stolen the thunder of all its competitors. The dusky entertainers perform at a swift pace that keeps the audience in a frenzy of appreciation. it is easily the Cotton Club's best show-full of show-stoppers and swingy ditties."
-Walter Winchell, Daily Mirror 

"The Cotton Club has assembled the aristocracy of sepian talent. The result is a paprikishly exciting confection to set young pulses double-beating and senile blood pressure to the danger peak."
-Louis Sobol, New York Journal

"You will never get a greater value for a night-club dollar than you can get now at the Cotton Club. The show's the best they've ever had, the food and liquor way above average. It is the buy of the century."
-Ed Sullivan, Daily News

"Things I like of recent date: Cotton Club Parade, the new show expertly staged and magnificently performed." 
-Mark Hellinger, Daily Mirror

"It is a great night every night at the Cotton Club." 
-Leonard Lyons, New York Post

"The Cotton Club is the swiftest and smartest of the Broadway cabarets. It is the swankiest of nightlife adventures." 
-Jack Lait, New York Journal

"It'll take a lotta toppin' to top the Cotton Club ... We're still gaga over both the club and the show ... It heads the list of our favorites."
-W.S. Farnsworth, New York Journal

"The Cotton Club revue is the fastest paced sepian seance in a century. It's so hot it's a 5-alarm fire!!!"
-Hy Gardner, Brooklyn Eagle

"The one definite sell-out-every-night spot of the rialto is the Cotton Club. And deservingly."
-Ward Morehouse, New York Sun

"There isn't a bigger evening than the one you can spend in the Cotton Club. When the show gets going, your eyes all but pop from your head." 
-Alice Hughes, New York American

"The current Cotton Club floor show is one of the best we have ever seen, in club or theatre. And unlike most of these places, the food is excellent. We don't know how they do it."
-Murdock Pemberton, Esquire Magazine

"As nifty a cast of sepia entertainers as ever flashed a toothy smile. You'll go a long way to see better numbers. There's no entertainment out that can beat it."
-Bosley Crowther, New York Times

"A spectacular and fast-stepping sepia revue. The production is delightful and intriguing. The Cotton Club is a night spot not to be missed by the discriminating."
-Howard Barnes, Herald Tribune

"Julian Harrison has fashioned an elegant Cotton Club. And the management has filled it with the best to be had in Negro entertainment. The Cotton Club Parade offers a Harlem array not to be surpassed for love or money."
-George Ross, World Telegram

"The Cotton Club is well night perfect. It has everything. The dancing is fast and furious; the copper-skinned chorines are lively and agile; the specialties are performed with vigor and abandon." 
-Malcolm Johnson, New York Sun

"The ultimate in native fervor paced to a glorious crescendo. Make it your next stop." 
-Jack Smith, New York Journal

"The Cotton Club has a show of epidemic exuberance."
-John Harkins, New York American

"The Cotton Club revue offers the most spectacular talent that this reporter has inspected. Everything you could hope for in a Harlem show you'll find in this latest 'Parade.' It is Broadway's prize package.
-Richard Manson, New York Post

"We are glad that the Cotton Club is part of the nightlife panorama. It is expressive of a stirring, vital sector of American life."
-Ted Friend, Daily Mirror

"The Cotton Club is now presenting the most lavish revue in its 13-year history." 
-John Chapman, Daily News

"Cotton Club is undoubtedly the world's best colored nitery. It brings a ready-made, well-knit production that makes it a cinch for b.o."
-Abel Green, Variety

"The most glamorous revue in Harlemese history. The new Broadway Cotton Club is a welcome treat."
-Will Gordon, Morning Telegraph

"Undoubtedly the best revue in Cotton Club history. The revue maintains a fast and furious pace and never languishes in tempo." 
-Ben Schneider, Women's Wear Daily

"There is no show on the local boards that tops in talent the Cotton Club crew." 
-Richard J. Mayer, Wall Street Journal

"The most elaborate revue in the 13 years of the Cotton Club's existence.' 
-Chester King, Brooklyn Eagle

"The new Cotton Club offers an elaborate revue that has deadened the Harlem spots." 
-Marcus Griffin, Sunday Enquirer

"The Cotton Club rates as the biggest night-club value in town."
-Tiny Kay, Journal of Commerce

"Flat statement department: the frantic revels at the Cotton Club make the best night-club show I've ever seen."
-John A. Thomas, N. Y. Theatre Programs

And Notables Confirm:

"The Cotton Club is one of the few places one can visit repeatedly without being bored."
-Paul Whiteman

"An evening at the Cotton Club is always a  pleasurable event."
-Lillian Gish

"There is no place else where one can find a show like the Cotton Club revue."
-Fannie Brice

"I went to the Cotton Club for fifteen minutes. At the end of three hours I was still amused and anything but bored." 
-Babe Ruth

"To me the Cotton Club is New York in its most exciting mood." 
-Evelyn Laye

"The Cotton Club is the ideal place for midnight diversion."
-Frank Lawton

"When I'm out night-clubbing, the Cotton Club is first choice."
-Sophie Tucker

"In California we boast to visitors about the weather. You New Yorkers are perfectly justified in boasting about your Cotton Club."
-Adolphe Menjou

"The Cotton Club Parade is a real credit to New York's night life."
-Buddy Rogers

"The Cotton Club is my idea of the best place to go in New York."
-Frances Williams

"The Cotton Club is one of the best reasons for a trip to New York."
-Bert Wheeler

"There never has been as exciting and entertaining a floor show as this Cotton Club revue."
-Ray Bolger

"I've been in night clubs all over the world and have never found any place that equals the Cotton Club."
-Peggy Hopkins Joyce