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Eighteen         The BRONZEMAN

Sewing Contest Closes June 29th

The Season's Favorite

[[image - black & white photograph of a woman posing in a dress]]
[[caption]] Miss Cornelia Smythe is justly proud of her charming, summery frock. The new cart wheel sleeves, the lace front and the circular skirt are all very chic. Printed red and white broadcloth with an organdie trim is the material used in the dress. It also comes in the colors of blue and white, black and white, and brown and white. Sizes 14 to 40.

Price $1.19 plus 10c for postage.

Send your money order, size and color to the Bronzeman Shopping Service. Give bust, hips, and length measure.[[/caption]]

Fashion Show at Bacon's Beautiful Casino To Feature Contest Windup

See What Can Be Accomplished With A Needle

All eyes are turned towards Chicago for the World's Fair. All Nations are showing their ability. THE BRONZEMAN is keeping in line with the rest of the world by sponsoring a Sewing Contest.

During times of prosperity, we forgot how to live cheaply. Now we must remember the old maxim, "Cut the garment according to the cloth." Many women are doing it, and there are many who don't know it can be done. At this show it will be demonstrated how you may dress well with little money. 

Attractive girls will model beautiful gowns, made of gingham, voile, organdie, crepe, satin, lace, etc., for sport, daytime, afternoon and evening wear.

Bacon's Beautiful Casino will be the scene of this Grand Fashion Show, which has the distinction of being one of the first of its kind to be staged anywhere. A small admission fee will be charged to cover the expenses of the contest. 


REMEMBER THE DATE, June 29, Bacon's Casino.

Economy Sewing Contest Details

1. Entrance to the contest is free, but in order to become a contestant you must send in 25c for a three months' subscription to THE BRONZEMAN. Remember, all entry blanks must be in the office by midnight, June 29th, 1933.

2. We hope each contestant will keep in mind that what we are trying to show is ability. We know and are going to prove that we have creative ability and efficiency among our women.

3. Make your dress as well as you can, and model it or have it modelled in the Grand Final Fashion Show, to be held June 29th at Bacon's Beautiful Casino in Chicago.

4. We appreciate the co-operation of churches, clubs, Beauty Parlors, Tailor Shoppes, Modistes, Milliners, Lodges, etc. Send a representative, and model a dress which must not be factory made.

5. Out - of - Town Contestants, sending photographs of girls who model the dresses, must send return