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What Friendship!

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had decided to make my home in Los Angeles. Mrs. Marshall was very sorry that I was leaving, but agreed it as best. I promised her faithfully that I would come again and visit, but I have never been back to my home town since.

I was a little late in entering school that year as it took about two months to straighten up everything. At the expiration of the two months, I went back to California and entered college.

Barbara and I corresponded up until I entered my last year in college. At the end of every semester, we would exchange our dairies through the mail. I'll say, we kept one another well posted as to what was going on. Barbara, before this time, had lost her mother and father and was making her home in Ohio.

Strange how fate twists our lives around. Never once did we think that such a thing like this would happen. At least, this was far different from what we had planned.

Babby and I ceased corresponding, and I never heard anymore from her for a number of years.

Phil was so kind to me. I never felt lonely. He kept me constantly on the go. We would often spend week ends up in the mountains. He was simply marvelous in every way. We took dinner on the average of once or twice a week with Phil's father, either at his home or downtown. I have always been very fond of Phil's father. I believe Phil's father had a very high regard for Phil's and my affections. We had been engaged now for two years. We eloped the last month of our college year and went to San Francisco and were married. I must say though, that is one thing in my life that I have never regretted becoming Mrs. Phil Keith, Jr.

My marriage was certainly a happy one. Phil was one of the most ideal husbands, and so devoted and loyal. Immediately, I became the rich girl and was given everything I wanted. Dreams change radically as we advance in years. Desires and ambitions step in sometimes and rob us and make love subservient. But mine never changed. 

Phil took me abroad for our honeymoon. I don't think he was extremely eager to go, as he had been abroad so many times. But I was happy beyond words. I had longed to go abroad. Phil and I spent one month in Paris where he had formerly lived with an aunt. My Gay Paree! Did we have a good time every moment we were there! Phil had a number of friends and we were constantly on the go. After two months in Paris, we went to England and remained two and one-half months. England and all her beautiful downs and estates!. I don't think I could possibly say enough for England. I loved England's climate because it reminded me so much of Seattle's. i was fortunate in getting to go through the House of Parliament, and to be introduced to the King and Queen of England. You can imagine what an honor  that was to bestow upon someone like me. As for Phil, he had many times traveled the self-same routes, but he said it gave him a new and added pleasure to witness my almost girlish appreciation and delight at every new and beautiful spot which we visited.

What days and nights those were to me, and how extravagantly and supremely happy I was! I had a delight for each day that dawned. It brought always some fresh pleasure and some added glory of nature which seemed to thrill my very soul. Each place that we visited still hold for me some delightful reminiscence.

After spending two months and a half in England, we then left for Switzerland. I don't think I would have ever been willing to leave England so quickly, but I knew our next stop was Switzerland, and I had heard so much of the Alps that I longed to see them. We left immediately and went to Luzerne. As our boat left the English shores that morning I sat looking over the rail. I felt, never in my life, had I known such delight, such happiness; it was so beautiful. I never dreamed that life would be so full and so perfect I looked from the sunlit water to the shores where rose the towering, frowning mountains, crowned with their eternal snow. I sat for hours watching this beautiful picture fade away. That night, after I had rested, I stood out on the deck and watched the huge yellow moon climb into view. A sense of keen delight seemed to pervade my ind. Later, Phil walked out on the deck where I was standing and put his arms around me, and said mischievously, "Disappointed, darling? Cheer up! It will not be long before we turn our faces homeward." I counldn't seem to find my voice. It all seemed so much like a dream to me. Finally, I whispered low to him, "I adore it. Don't ever take me back again." I felt I would never get tired of traveling. I loved riding on the water. I never seemed to have any fear, not even today, strange as it may seem.

(Don't miss the next issue. Read all about Marion's luxurious life and her meeting with Barbara after seven years.) 
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[[black and white photograph of Frank Smith]]
Frank Smith, popular business man and sportsman, and now owner of the Rest-A-While Recreation Parlor, 930 N. Sarah Street, invites all his many friends our for a game of pool. Mr. Smith has all new tables and other recreation facilities that makes an evening a pleasant one. Cold Drinks.

[[black and white photograph of Marcella Hall]]
Marcella Hall, one of the "Miss Mix" contestants, is now at the Green Tree Tavern and wishes all her friends to pay her a visit. Marcella made a fine showing in the contest, but her illness held her from the winning row.

The Mixologist Boosters Club Meeting will be held on Sunday, October 22nd, at the Peoples Finance Bldg., Room 216, 4 to 6 p.m.

November and December MIX will be published on the 10th of each month. All copy must reach the editor not later than the 25th of the preceding month to appear.

Salesgirls: Wilda Emory and Ida Davis

[[boxed advertisement]]
[[drawing of two girls in lingerie]] We are: Exclusive Dealers In LADIES' UNDERGARMENTS DRESSES COATS Lingerie
[[drawing of woman's legs]] Beautiful Hosiery
William Davis, Pres.
Lucille Todd, Mgr.
[[drawing of a man in a suit]] Samples Displayed by Appointment
FRanklin 3481 1822 N. PENDELTON
[[/boxed advertisement]]

[[boxed advertisement]]
JEfferson 9152     2935 LUCAS AVENUE
By the Day or Night 50c Up
BEN HOLLAWAY     St. Louis, Mo.
[[/boxed advertisement]]

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