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The Viper Strikes

[[drawing of people running away from a viper that is wearing a top hat]]

[[column 1]]
Hs-s-s-s It's the Viper again, ladies and gentlemen, bringing to you the very latest lowdown on the higher ups.

Baron Ben Thomas looks like a juicy victim this month. The old Evening Whirl publisher finds time to pick on everyone else, so I'll see just what the Viper can do for him.

Wonder why the baron took his gun and hid under the bed waiting for that fellow to call on his "Heavenly Thing" Juanita Claridy. Ben should know by now that he' doesn't have these girls all to himself. Why even his arch rival, J. Von Chapman, has been dating what he thought was all his, Ann Bibbs.

By the way the "Viper" will dig into his non-support charge that the Baron aired a few weeks ago naming "J. Von" as the accused victim, but we see that "chat" is sporting a Studebaker sport coupe here of late, and Baron seems to think that this cash should have gone for the up-keep of his supposed family, and too, maybe it's the "fuse" between these two lads about a two certain local lassie's.

Something awfully hot jumped up on Howard Woods this month, but the Viper couldn't get the straight of it. But just in case you want all of the details read next month's Mix on what happened outside the Carioca early one Sunday morning.

Checking around the Elks Rest the Viper finds several of the married gents checking with several of the single girls. The Viper, though heart-less, is sparing these gents until he can put a finger on them, then watch out.

There is one tailorshop fellow who sends his customers clothes to the pawn shops to pay his bills. Now, now, Mr. Tailor, the Viper don't like that a bit so be very careful.

Out there in the Ville there is one school teacher who constantly keeps after the young men of this city. He resides on St. Ferdinand and the Viper thinks that he should cut that stuff out. Now if he doesn't, the Viper will say more next month.

One little short fellow of this town is doing alright with his two school teachers. Some of the boy's can't get one while this fellow keeps two. How did you like that trip to New York and Chicago?

Lawrence Wisdom finally decided to do the thing that's right. Lawrence settled down and married Delilah Davis and has a home all fixed up. The Viper wonders how long Lawrence will do right. That's a nice girl you have, fellow.

How can Hugh V. Robnett afford to marry a girl making good money when he knows after her marries she can't make any more money. Quit your lying boy, and get your business straight.

What's all this mix-up about one of the Petite Fems going around the city with many different ofay gents. That isn't at all nice Miss---!  Now if you can't keep within your bounderies [sic], the Viper will have to tell it.
[[/column 1]]

[[column 2]]
Why did the doctor's daughter leave home for the bartender? Maybe it is the kind of love that the Viper needs more of. Anyway I think I'd stayed at home a while longer.

The Viper will lay in wait to see how many noted chauffeurs will cart out "other men's wives" at the second annual Chauffeurs and Butlers ball that is to take place on November 4th at the Carioca. Tickets will go on sale for this big event soon. Hs-s-s-s 'yours truly' the Viper, sees that Neosha Stovall, since returning from the north poles is quite a visitor to the Ring Tavern. "Wonder what's up?" Well, since Same Ray over at the Ville Tap Room lost out with his little "cutie" over on a "certain street". What's the matter buddy, has the master six Buick coupe taken your place? What happened between Arthur Brown and the little lassie over on Cote Brilliante last week at the Ville Tap Room, is it that the little Detroit "beaut" tried to "igg" the play boy? and another thing too - what's this all about the "Baron" Ben Thomas and Juanita Claridy's being hitched? Is it the facts "baron"? .. and again, what is the newly "divorcee" going to do about it. It'll all come out in the washing so the 'viper' will take leave until November when he'll spare no one, so until then Hs-s-s-s.
[[/column 2]]

[[column 3]]

[[image: photo of man in suit and tie, light mustache]]

[[image: photo of woman smiling, wearing tiara and necklace]]

Arvelle Battle, popular 'roundtown lad, is now manager-in-chief of the Club 49. Arvelle extends a cordial invitation to all his friends and former patrons to make Club 49 their headquarters. Miss Mildred Rhodes, formerly of the Hawaiian Club, is on day duty from 1 to 9 p.m. May Johnson and Shirley Porter are the waitresses.

[[drawing of a waiter]]
Fate Marble's Orch.
Saturday and Sunday Nite
Mildred Rhodes
(day 1-9 p.m.)
Dinners Sandwiches Beer
GA. 8210
St. Louis after-
Hour Rendezvous 
10A. N. Jefferson
Arvelle Battle