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Are you the MEDIUM-BROWN type?

[[image - watercolor illustration of a side-view of a brunette woman with red lipstick]]

your face powder?
your foundation?
your lipstick?

DON'T GUESS -- [[underlined]]KNOW[[/underlined]]--YOUR BEST COLORS!

Your hair color is a blend of more colors in the spectrum than any other hair-type. So, quite naturally, you are equipped by Nature to do justice to many more colors. Helena Rubinstein, world-celebrated color expert, tells you the very colors in make-up and fashions to bring out all your dramatic beauty. In the light of actual scientific relationships, Helena Rubinstein has evolved an individual COLOR-SPECTROGRAPH for you - the most popular hair-type in America - the land of beautiful women!

How to get your COLOR-SPECTROGRAPH? Ask for it at the cosmetic department of your favorite store. Or, write to Helena Rubinstein, 715 Fifth Avenue, Dept. 41, New York 22, N.Y. Merely say "I am the Medium-Brown type!"

For you who are Blondes, Brunettes, Redheads and Silver-Gray types, Helena Rubinstein has evolved equally exciting color guides especially for your type. Yours for the asking. Just specify your hair color.

Helena Rubinstein