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Sea Cove in the hope that they may be improved--that the salads, vegetables and service may be brought up to the high quality of the seafood specialties.

Continental--It's worth a special trip to 19 East 60th Street to the Continental Restaurant to see the new murals that form an amusing gay motif on the dark blue walls. The pictures tell the story of Cocotte, a white French poodle. You'll want to follow the story around the room to the happy ending over the bar. We've written before about the fine cuisine at Continental, so we will only add here that it has remained at the same high level. We recommend it again.

Eat Mail--We recently discovered such a simple, easy way to send food to our favorite soldier overseas that we want to pass on the idea to everyone. Fraser, Morris & Co., 630 Fifth Avenue, New York 20, N. Y., will send a leaflet describing the various parcels of food and prices of each on request. An order blank is enclosed, so that all you have to do is make a choice and fill in the address of your service man. There's a good assortment of food delicacies as well as games, books, razor blades and toiletries in each parcel. You may also be interested in a series of planned assortments for civilians in liberated countries overseas. No ration points are needed. There are 25 styles in all, priced from $2.65 to $9.95, including packing, postage and shipping. --LOIS TIDDEN

Consult Cues to Dining on the following pages for detailed prices.

[[image - black & white photograph of a man in Navy uniform with woman holding a microphone]]
[[photograph credit]] Irwin Dribben
[[caption]]Hildegarde picks a sailor from the audience as part of her act at the Plaza[[/caption]]

Young-Timers "all-rounder"
...a boon for the rush-abouts!
Camisole-top Dress, 25.00
Jacket, 14.95

[[image - drawing of a woman in a turban wearing a short sleeve jacket and pencil skirt]]

In the country, a sun-back dress by day...colorful informal costume at night.
In town, perfection the livelong day. (Jacket can do duty with other things, of course!)
Spun rayon dress top and jacket, sheer checked rayon skirt.
Navy- or grey-and-white with cherry jacket, brown-and-white with kelly. Sizes 10 to 16.

[[image - drawing of a woman in a full knee length skirt and fishnet stockings]]
Fourth Floor
Henri Bendel
10 WEST 57

CUE, JUNE 2, 1945