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The Freedmen's Bureau
B. M. Richardson,

Court called at 3 o'clock, P.M.
March 21st 1866. Defendant present.

[[underlined]] Charges. [[/underlined]]

Assault and Battery upon, and brutal treatment of, Daniel Bagley, freedman, and beating him for the purpose of compelling his consent to be bound as an apprentice.

Daniel Bagley, freedman, called, being duly sworn, deposes and says:

He went to Mr. Richardson and asked him, if he was going to allow him anything for his labor, he answered by asking what I meant by that, and informed me, that no boy under twenty one was allowed to draw wages. He then said all boys under twenty one were to have guardians, unless their parents took care of them. I then said to him if that is the case, I have nothing more to say about it; when he remarked that if I would remain until twenty one years old, he would give