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Ques. by Def.  When were you whipped first?

Ans.  Early last spring.

Ques. by Def.  When did you leave Richardson?

Ans.  About five weeks before last Christmas.

Ques by Def.  When Richardson agreed to give you one hundred dollars and clothes, did you agree to stay?

Ans.  I said we would be all right?

Ques. by Def.  What did you mean by that question?

Ans.  That if he treated me well I would stay there until I wanted to go home — until I had an opportunity of going home.

Ques by Def.  When did you ask Richardson for money to go home?

Ans.  On Sunday morning. He said he wanted me to haul tar, and the next Thursday morning I took up and started home.

Ques by Def.  When you were whipped, what time of the year?

Ans.  I think it was early last spring.

Ques by Def.  When did the second whipping occur?

Ans.  After crops were gathered, not a great while before Christmas.

Ques. by Def.  Where was the second whipping?

Ans.  In the shed.

Ques. by Def.  What was the cause?

Ans.  I asked him for money to go home.

Ques. by Def.  What did he whip with?

Ans.  With a broom handle. He struck me with