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it, breaking it in 2 or 3 pieces. He threatened to use his pistol on me, but he could not scare me. When he got his pistol he held that in his hand and tried to carry me in the house. I made some effort to prevent it but fell. He got on me and tried to choke me, but he did not hurt me much. He got off. I pretended to be choking, but he did not hurt me much. He could not choke me, was the reason why he din't— though. I was a boy and he was a stout man.

Ques. by Def.  Why did he whip you the second time?

Ans.  I asked him for money to go home, and I told him it would not cost more now, than when Mr. Bagley come. And Mr. Richardson continued saying there was a fuss — it had just as well be settled now.

Ques. by Def.  Did not Richardson say that Mr. Bagley had been living in Edgecombe, but had moved, and he did not know where he was now? (Mr. Bagley is Dan's former Master and raised him)

Ans.  He told me Mr. Bagley was in Williamston. Mr. R. said Mr. B. would be there in a few days, and I could wait 'til then.

Ques. by Def.  When he saw you at the rail road did he tell you about the old clothes you had on — that he never saw you look so bad;